In Tamil Nadu, originally, all the Treasuries were functioning under the control of Revenue Department. In 1954, The Pay and Accounts Office was formed in Chennai, ( Madras City ) combining the work of Treasury functions and audit functions, under the administrative control of Finance Department.The Department of Treasuries and Accounts was formed in 1962. With the formation of the Directorate, all the District Treasuries in the State ( 12 Districts at that time excluding Chennai) and Sub Treasuries under their control and the Pay and Accounts Office Chennai were brought under the control of Treasuries and Accounts Department with overall administrative control of Finance Department.
Office of the Commissioner of Treasuries and Accounts at Chennai is the headquarters for the department. It has at present :-
6 Pay and Accounts Offices
3 Sub Pay and Accounts Offices
6 Offices of Regional Joint Director of Treasuries and Accounts
38 District Treasuries
243 Sub Treasuries
1 Pension Pay Office at Chennai
1 Office of Assistant Superintendent of Stamps