Sl. No. |
Economic Indicators |
Tamil Nadu |
All India |
1. |
Area ('000' Sq.Kms) (2011 Census) |
130 |
3287 |
Population ( in Crores) (2011 Census) |
7.21 |
121.0 |
Ø Rural (’’ ) |
3.72 |
83.30 |
Ø Urban (’’ ) |
3.49 |
37.70 |
Density (Population per Sq.Kms) (2011 Census) |
555 |
382 |
Decadal Growth Rate (2011 Census) |
15.61 |
17.68 |
4. |
Sex Ratio ( Females per 1000 Males) (2011 Census) SRS 2020 |
917 |
907 |
5. |
Child 0-6 years |
943 |
919 |
6. |
Urban Population Percentage (2011 Census) (RG Projected) |
52.5 |
34.21 |
7. |
Birth Rate – 2020 (Per 1000) (SRS) |
13.8 |
19.5 |
8. |
Death rate – 2020 (Per 1000 (SRS) |
6.1 |
6.0 |
9. |
Infant Mortality Rate – 2020 (SRS) ( 1000 live Births ) |
13 |
28 |
Literacy Rate – 2011 Census |
Ø Persons |
80.09 |
73.0 |
Ø Male |
86.77 |
80.9 |
Ø Female |
73.14 |
65.40 |
11. |
Area under Rice – 2021-22 ('000 Ha) |
2217.26 |
45768.7 |
12. |
Production of Rice –2021-22 ('000 Tonnes) |
7906.37 |
124368.3 |
13. |
Average Yield of Rice –2021-22 (Kg / Ha.) |
3566 |
2717* |
14. |
Total Livestock – 2019 (as per 20th Livestock Census) (in Lakh Nos.) |
245 |
5367.6 |
15. |
Poultry – 2019 (as per 20th Livestock Census) (in Lakh Nos.) |
1207.8 |
8518.1 |
16. |
Production of Milk 2021-22 ( '000 Tonnes) ( Cow, Buffalo and Goat ) |
10107.426 |
N.A |
17. |
Production of Eggs 2021-22 (in Cr) |
2083.36 |
N.A. |
18. |
No. of Reporting Mines (All Minerals) - 2021-22 |
451 |
1229# |
19. |
No. of Census Houses (in Crores) 2011 Census |
2.31 |
33.1 |
20. |
No. of Households (in Crores) 2011 Census |
1.85 |
24.7 |
Budgetary Position – 2021-22 (Rs in Cr) |
Ø Revenue Account |
§ Receipts |
202495.89 |
2105708.04 |
§ Disbursement |
261188.57 |
3246411.85 |
Ø Capital Account |
§ Receipts |
124306.90 |
8627153.15 |
§ Disbursement |
67846.27 |
7643844.02 |
22. |
Actual Strength of Police Force (Civil and Armed) (TN as on 1.1.2021, India as on 1.1.2020) |
118670 |
2091488 |
23. |
No. of Policemen per100 of Area (T.N. as on 01.01.2021, India 2019) |
96.07 |
79.80 |
Marine Products Exports- (2021-22) |
a. Quantity (in Tonnes) |
193187.56 |
1149510 (MT) |
b. Value (Rs. In Crores) |
10685.77 |
43720.98 |
25. |
Coastal Length (Kms) |
1076 |
7516.6 |
26. |
Per Capita Income at Current Prices – (Rs.) NSDP 2021-22 (AE)
241131 |
150007 (PE) |
27. |
Per Capita Income at Constant Prices – (Rs.) NSDP 2020-21 (AE)
154427 |
91481 (PE) |
@ 2018-19, *(2019-20)
(PE) - Provisional Estimate, # Excluding Atomic, Fuels and Minor Minerals Source: India Statistics-2020, Reserve Bank of India |