ANNEXURE III .................Town Panchayat Planning Permission APPLICATION UNDER SECTION 49 OF THE TAMIL NADU TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971 FOR OBTAINING PERMISSION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF LANDS/BUILDING From Name of the owner or the applicant Address To The................Planning Authority, Planning area. Dated:
Sir, I/We intend to develop land and/or to construct/reconstruct /make alterations or addition to a building in Town/Revenue Survey No. Door No. Extent Street or road name in the ward or Division and in accordance with the provisions under section 49 of TamilNadu Town and Country Plannning Act 1971. I forward herewith in Triplicate- (a) a layout plan or site plan or site plan of the land, proposed to be developed and/or on which the building is to be constructed/reconstructed/altered or added showing the following particulars:- i) the correct boundaries of the land for which the layout is prepared; ii) the position and dimensions of the individual building sites with their extent; iii) the extent, survey numbers and the position of the lands in relation to neighbouring streets and lanes with information as to their respective names or numbers and widths and whether they are public or private; iv) the prinicipal and secondary means of access from the existing streets to the site or sites for building construction which I/We intend to provide; v) the direction, Intended level and width of such street access and lane with sections: vi) the proposed street alignment and building lines for the existing and new streets to be formed; vii) the width of carriage way and street margins intended to be left and the arrangement to be made for levelling, paving, metalling, flagging, chanelling, sewerling, draining, lighting the street and lanes and the period within which the works will be executed; viii) the purpose for which each site is to be used; and ix) the reservations proposed for common amenities and facilities. (b) A plan or plans of the building showing a ground plan, plan of each floor and elevations and drawn to a scale of 1 centimetre to one metre (or any other scale permitted by appropriate planning authority) and the character of utilisation of the building, whether pucca buildings or huts residential buildings or shops , business premises, warehouses, theatres, religious buildings, factories, public buildings or any other buildings meant for particular uses. (c) A key plan indicating the site in question in relation to surrounding area. I/We request that the development proposed may be approved and that permission may be accorded.
Signature of the licensed buildors, CONDITIONS 1. I/We agree not to proceed with the development of my property until permission is issued by the appropriate Planning Authority. 2. I/We agree not to do any work otherwise than in accordance with the plan approved by the appropriate Plannint Authority. 3. I/We agree to furnish any further information which has not already been given whenever the appropriate Planning Authority, requires and provide such particulars to satisfy that there are no objections that may lawfully be taken for the grant of permission. 4. I/We agree to keep one of the approved plans at the site of the development at all times when the work is in progress and also agree to see that such plans are available at all times for the inspection of the appropriate Planning Authority or any Officer authorised by him in that behalf. 5. I/We agree not to start execution of work unless/I/We have obtianed permit for laying out roads or building permit under the Corporation/TamilNadu District Municipalities Act, 1920/Tamil Nadu Panchayat Act, 1958 or any other Act regulating such development or construction as the case may be from the concerned Local authority. SIGNATURE OF THE OWNER OF THE LAND AND BUILDING OR THE APPLICANT. ACKNWOLEDGEMENT. Office of the Town Panchayat, Sl.No. Date. Application under Section 49 of the Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, for development of lands/buildings from Thiru....... requiring permission has been received.He is informed to contact the Executive Officer for further action on this application on .........(after 20 days). His application has been registered as Sl.No.....in the register maintained for this purpose. Executive Officer, ...............................Town Panchayat |