ANNEXURE IV SL.NO. ................Town Panchayat APPLICATION FORM FOR RENEWAL OF BUILDING LICENCE From Thiru. . . . . . . . . . . No.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Street,] Ward No.. . . . . . . To The Executive Officer, . . . . . . .. . . . . . .Town Panchayat. Sir,
Sub: Building..................Town Panchayat-Sanction of building licence Ref: Proceedings of the Town Panchayat,................ Town Panchayat B.A.No................Dt............. ~~~~~~~~~~ With reference to the building licence issued by theTown Panchayat in the reference cited, the construction work, owned to me/us has not yet been commenced/completed. The work is executed uptoFountation/Lintel/Foof level............floor level. Hence I/We request you to kindly renew the building licence for a futher period of one year From.............To............ . The copy of Building licence is enclosed. I shall arrange to pay the relevant licence fees for the same. Encl:Copy of original licence. Yours faithfully, (Signature of the Applicant) Place: Date:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Office of the Town Panchayat, .............................................. Sl.No. Date. Received the application for renewal of building licence from Thiru........... He is requested to contact the Executive Officer regarding the disposal of application on.......(after 30 days) He is assigned seniority No........ as per register maintained for this purpose. Executive Officer, .......................... Town Panchayat. |