ANNEXURE - II Application for a new house-connection or for Transfering, Metering, extensions, alterations and repairs to an existing house connections as per by-law framed under section 306(3) of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act 1920 Date: To
The Executive Officer, Sir, I am to give you notice that I intend to effect (1) a new water supply house service connection or (2) Transfering metering extensions, alterations and repairs to the existing connection in house No..............in.....................Street. In accordance with the by-law framed, I forward herewith the estimate of the work to be done and its cost. I request that permission be accorded for executing the work.
ACKNWOLEDGEMENT. Office of the Town Panchayat, ................................................. Sl.No. Date. Received the application for supply of water from Thiru........... He is requested to contact the Executive Officer regarding the disposal of application on.......(after 30 days) He is assigned seniority No........ as per register maintained for this purpose. Executive Officer, ..................................... Town Panchayat. |