Liquid Waste Management
LIQUID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN TOWN PANCHAYATS Liquid Waste Management Many Town Panchayat with a population of above 25000 have been generating liquid waste water and the panchayats do not have proper underground sewer network, the sewage is conveyed through open drains and discharged in to the nearest water bodies such as river , lakes and land causing considerable environmental damage. The Town Panchayats are generating considerable amount of sewage which is disposed off with out any treatment causing environmental pollution and health hazards. Since the sewage discharge is continuous and ever increasing steadily due to better water supply and population growth, the receiving water bodies are put in to severe stress for supply of dissolved oxygen and are completely filled up with organic and inorganic solids resulting fish kills , producing obnoxious odor , breeding ground for mosquitoes and land pollution. Hence it has been proposed to install a waste water treatment plant and treated waste water is released to the environment with out creating any problem for the Flora and Fauna of the receiving water bodies and waste land. Why waste water Treatment Plant ? The wastewater generated from all the Panchayat was disposed off into the water bodies, lake without any proper treatment. The sewage contains large quantity of suspended dissolved and colloidal matter. The sewage solids may be either organic or inorganic compounds. The Sewage undergoes biological decomposition & bacterial growth with available food and oxygen present in the natural water bodies such as lake, River etc., and depleting the available oxygen in the river resulting "Fish kill" "Foul smell " and serious Health hazard due to disease producing bacteria present in the lake. Since at present emphasis is being laid on environmental pollution and ground water pollution it is only fitting that Town Panchayat are setting up a pilot plant by treating the wastes generated to an effluent treatment plant so that each citizen realizes the importance of a clean environment and its benefits. What is the Sewage Treatment plant capacity? Initially the sewage treatment plant shall be designed for an average flow of 200 m3/Day after the plant performance is established the treatment plant will be augmented suitably to an ultimate average flow for the respective Panchayat. The treated sewage can be reused for the Green belt development, Irrigation, or for disposal in to the lake and pond . The biological sludge can be reused as manure for village parks and Gardens. How is the treatment plant design basis? The sewage treatment plant shall be designed for the following characteristics
The treated sewage shall be either used for Gardening or disposed off into surface drain The biological sludge shall be used us manure. The treated sewage shall be used for Irrigation. The biological sludge cake for sewage treatment plant shall be used as Manure. What are the Sewage treatment options? Some of sewage Treatment options available for this type of waste water
The treatment scheme is designed based on the Anaerobic followed by extended aeration system was preferred over the other systems due to the following advantages System is very simple to operate and maintain System is highly efficient and flexible during seasoned load variations. System combines the advantages of both anaerobic and aerobic process. It does not produce any odor and smell. The treated sewage can be used for Irrigation , green belt development or disposal in to the lake or pond. The sludge can be used as a manure The Total project cost for the Design , Engineering , Supply , Construction , Pipe laying Erection and Commissioning of sewage treatment plant will be as follows Project Cost: The sewage treatment plant project cost shall be as follows Civil Works - Rs10,50,000.00 Equipment supply - Rs12,50,000.00 Electrical works - Rs1,00,000.00 Piping Works - Rs1,00,000.00 Total Project cost - Rs25,00,000/- What are the Benefits of the scheme ? Panchayat lakes and receiving water bodies will be clean and pristine The treated sewage is reused for Irrigation The Environmental and Sanitation of the Panchayat and surrounding will be improved greatly. The Biological sludge will be used as manure The long term infrastructure and pollution abatement goals will be achieved for the development of Panchayat and villages The recycled waste water reduces the demand for fresh water from Lake for irrigation.
Sewage collection Tank Aeration