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Government Orders



10. bgh¿æaš ÃçÎ
bghUŸ murhiz v© & ehŸ
gâaik¥ò - ng%uh£ÁfŸ Jiw - ng%uh£Áfëš ts®¢Á¥ gâfis brašgL¤j jåahf bgh¿ahs® ÃçÎ x‹iw V‰gL¤Jjš Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ. e.ã. (k) F.t Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©. 99 ehŸ. 29.04.1997
10.2 gâaik¥ò - ng%uh£ÁfŸ ã®thf« - bgh¿ahs® gâaik¥ò-TLjš gâæl§fŸ njh‰Wé¤jš - Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ. e.ã. (k) F.t (ng%2) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©. 93 ehŸ. 28.05.1998
10.3 gâaik¥ò - ng%uh£ÁfŸ ã®thf« bgh¿ahs® gâaik¥ò- bgh¿æaš gâæl§fS¡fhd eg®fis kh‰W¥gâ/fl‹ mo¥gilæš muR¤JiwfŸ, thça§fŸ k‰W« ãWtd§fëèUªJ« bg‰W gâak®¤jš - murhiz¡F ÂU¤j« btëæl¥gL»wJ. e.ã. (k) F.t (ng%1) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©. 24 ehŸ : 12.2.2007
10.4 gâaik¥ò - ng%uh£Á ã®thf« - bgh¿æašÃçÎ - bgh¿æaš Ãçéš V‰fdnt m§Ñfç¡f¥g£L ãu¥g¥glhkš cŸs gâæl§fis ãu¥g mDk - MizfŸ btëæl¥gL»‹wd. e.ã. (k) F.t (ng%1) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©. 126 ehŸ. 05.09.2007
10.5 Establishment - Engineering wing - Directorate of Town Panchayats - Executive Engineer - limit for according Technical sanction - Enhancement of the limit - Orders issued. MA & WS (T.P II) Dept. G.O. (D) No. 15 Dated: 9.1.2008
10.6 ca®ãiy¡ FG gçªJiu - ng%uh£Á¤Jiwæš ã®thf mDkÂ/ bjhêšE£g mDk tH§F« mÂfhu tu«Ãid ca®¤Â Miz
e.ã. (k) F.t (ng%1) Jiw murhiz (g) v©. 166 ehŸ. 12.04.2008


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Last  updated on Friday, May 30, 2008