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Group Insurance Scheme


1. What is Group Insurance Scheme?

This scheme is a welfare scheme. This scheme is similar to the Family Benefit Fund Scheme for the employees of Local Bodies, Village Panchayat, Aided Schools, Aided Colleges, Noon Meal centre and Aided Technical Institutions.

2. Who is the Controller of GIS?

The Additional Chief Secretary, Finance (Pension) Department, Chennai-9 is the controller of the scheme.

3. Who is the Administrator?

The Principal Secretary / Commissioner of Treasuries and Accounts is the administrator of the Scheme.

4. Who is eligible to join this scheme?

The non - provisionalised employees are covered under this scheme. The Employees of Local Bodies, Government Aided Schools, Aided  Colleges, Aided Technical Educational Institutions and  Noon Meal Scheme.

5. What is the claim  amount?

A sum of Rs.3,00,000/- is the claim amount settled under Group Insurance Scheme.

6. Who will settle the claim amount?

The Claim amount  will be settled by the LIC.

7. What are the Master Policies in this Scheme?

1. Local Bodies and Aided Schools      2. Government Aided Colleges        3. Govt. Aided Technical Institutions      4. Noon Meals Centre   and 5. Village Panchayats.

8. What are the Subscription and Management Contributions under this Scheme?

The Subscription amount is Rs.60/- per month and Management Contribution is Rs.165/- per month. The Management Contribution is not applicable to the employees of Aided Schools, Aided Colleges and Aided Technical Educational Institutions.

9. In which Government order the subscription of employees and the Claim amount is fixed?

G.O.Ms.No.58 dated:22.02.2016

10. In which Government order the Management contribution of local bodies  employees have been  fixed?

G.O.Ms.No.212 dated:19.07.2016

11. What is role of the LIC in settlement under this scheme?

The Claim Report Officer will submit the claims to the LIC for sanctioning of the Lump sum amount. The LIC verify all the documents and related records as per norms and sanction the GIS claim amount. Further the LIC will not entertain any correspondence with the beneficiaries of the deceased employees regarding the claim under this Scheme.

12. What is the nomination procedure under this scheme?

Nomination can be executed in favor of Family members by the Employee at the time of first payment to this scheme.