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New Health Insurance Scheme - 2012

G.O.(Rt) No.589 Dt: 12th July, 2018

New Health Insurance Scheme, 2016 for the employees of Government Departments and other Organisations - Empanelment of Accredited Hospitals - Approval of additional hospitals based on the recommendations of the Accreditation Committee - Notified - Orders - Issued.

G.O.No.293 Finance (Pension) Dept Dt.5th Oct 2017

MEDICAL AID – New Health Insurance Scheme, 2014 for Pensioners (including spouse) / Family Pensioners – List of Approved Hospitals – ddition of Hospitals and inclusion of additional Specialities in the hospitals – Orders – Issued.

G.O.Rt.No.695 Finance (Salaries) Dept Dt.1st Sep 2017

New Health Insurance Scheme, 2016 for the employees of Government Departments and other Organisations - Empanelment of Accredited Hospitals - Approval of additional hospitals and inclusion of additional specialities based on the recommendations of the Accreditation Committee - Notified - Orders - Issued.

G.O.Ms.No.93 Finance (Pension) DeptDt.12.04.2017

Finance Dept. - G.O Ms No 241 dated 24th August 2016 on NHIS

Finance Dept. - G.O Ms No 202 dated 30th June 2016 on NHIS

G.O.Rt.No.807 Finance (Salaries) Department    dated:14-11-2014-listof hospitals additionally empanelled under NHIS 2012.

G.O.Rt.No.837 Finance (Salaries) Department dated: 24-11-2014 -list of hospitals not willing, Closed and address changed.

G.O.Rt.No.142 Finance (Salaries) Department    dated: 26-02-2016 -list of hospitals additionally empanelled under NHIS 2012.

Government Lr.No.47730/Fin(Salaries)/2012-1
Dated:17-09-2012- Clarification regarding the treatment taken in the non network hospital/ un approved diseases during the Interim period(i.e. 11.6.2012 to 30.6.2012)

Government Lr.No.55406/Fin(Salaries)/2012 Dated:27-02-2013-Refund Head of Account for excess subscription from the employees

G.O.Ms.No.171 Finance (Pension) Department Dated:26-06-2014.-implementing New Health Insurance Scheme for pensioners

G.O.79 Finance (Pension) Department
Dated: 25-03-2015 - deletion of 10 hospitals from the approved list and change of name and address of the hospitals

G.O. No. 5 Finance(Pension) Department
Dated:05-01-2015.- list of hospitals additionally empanelled under PNHIS 2014

Govt. Lr.No.37585/Fin(Pension) /2014-2 Dated:10-10-2014-Refund Head of Account for the excess/ Wrong  subscription from the Pensioners

Govt. Lr.No.37585/Fin(Pension) /2014-2 Dated:7-7-2014- Pensioners NHIS is not applicable for the Pensioners of PSUS, State Government Universities ,Statutory Boards, and State Government Organistions /Institutions registered under TN Societies Act

Government Lr.No.34231/Pension/2015-1  Dated: 1-7-2015- settlement in respect of claims submitted without following the prescribed procedure -Clarification issued-reg.

G.O Rt.No.680 dated 29th July 2013 on Consolidated list of Hospitals – New Health Insurance Scheme, 2012
Letter No. 16840 dated 12th April 2013 on inclusion of additional diseases, treatments and surgeries – New Health Insurance Scheme, 2012
G.O Ms.No.243 dated 29th June 2012 on MEDICAL AID – New Health Insurance Scheme, 2012
G.O Ms.No.221 dated 20th June 2012 on MEDICAL AID – New Health Insurance Scheme, 2012
Govt. Lr. No. 54361/ Sal/ 2009-1 dated 22.10.2009