Administrative Officers
Pay and Accounts Officers
District / Sub-Treasury Officers
Additional Treasury Officers
Pension Payment Officers
Asst. Superintendent of Stamps
Officers on Deputation
Bill Forms Proposed
Challan Forms
AIS(GIS) Forms
Forms-GIS-Local Bodies
Pension Forms
Service Particulars
Check List Format
e-Initiatives and IF&HRMS
e-Gov Committee Highlights
District / Sub-Treasuries List
Pay and Accounts Offices
Pension Pay Office
Asst. Superintendent of Stamps
Types of Offices
Non mustered Pensioners in Chennai (Pilot Scheme)
Pension stopped due to non mustering
Pension stopped from October 2011 due to non mustering in the Financial
Year 2011-12.
Pension stopped from March 2013 due to non mustering in the Financial
Year 2012-13.
Pension stopped from November 2013 due to non mustering in the Financial
Year 2013-14
Pension stopped due to other reasons (viz., death, account closed, transfer etc
Pension stopped from October 2010 onwards due to other reasons.
Pension stopped from November 2011 onwards due to other reasons
Pension stopped from April 2013 onwards due to other reasons