How to transfer pension from one place to another ?
pensioner has to submit an application to the Treasury
Officer / Assistant Treasury Officer / Sub Treasury Officer
concerned from where he/she gets monthly pension, giving the
details of new address along with the original PPO. The
Assistant Treasury Officer/Sub Treasury Officer concerned will
forward both halves to their respective Treasury Officer who in
turn will forward the same to the Treasury Officer of the new
address in respect of mofussal and Pension Pay Office Chennai-6
in respect of city. The Treasury Officer in the new station will
forward both halves to the concerned Sub Treasury if the
pensioners residence is at Taluk, under copy to the pensioner
concerned. On receipt of this reference the pensioner has to
appear in the new office to get the first pension and the
subsequent pension will be credited to the pensioner’s bank
account. The process is likely to take minimum time of one
respect of pensioner’s under PSB Scheme the pensioner should
submit an application to the Branch Manager with original PPO
who will forward both halves to the place of request through
their link Branch.
How to get family pension ?
on the death of the Pensioner the Treasury / Bank from where the
pension is being received should be informed of the death in
writing enclosing death certificate. (if available) If it is a
joint PPO, the spouse should go over to the concerned Treasury
in person submit an application to the Treasury
Officer/Assistant Treasury Officer /Sub Treasury Officer for
sanction of LTA/F.P along with form 14 (which is available in
the Treasury) and after due verification and mustering, the Family Pension will
be commenced from the next date of the death of the pensioner.
When will the Pension /Family Pension be stopped ?
If the Pensioner / Family Pensioner does not either appear in
person for mustering or send Life
Certificate to the Treasury / Pension Pay Office (under pilot
scheme) to the Branch Manager (under PSB scheme) annually
If the pension is not drawn continuously for six months