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Public Information Officers &  Appellate Authorities

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Department

Heads of Departments

PIOs and Appellate Authorities for Department of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Secretariat [English Version] [Tamil Version]

PIOs for Department of Industries and Commerce[English Version] [Tamil Version]

Appellate Authorities for Department of Industries and Commerce [English Version][Tamil Version]

PIOs and Appellate Authority of Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute [English Version]

PIOs and Appellate Authority of TANSIDCO [English Version][ Tamil Version]

PIOs of TANSI [English Version] [ [Tamil Version]

PIOs of Tamil Nadu and Startup and Innovation Mission[English Version] [Tamil Version]

PIOs of Bureau for Facilitating MSMES of Tamil Nadu (FAME TN)[English Version] [Tamil Version]





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