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Role of the Governments


What is the role of Central/State Governments?


Who has the Rule making power?


Who has the power to deal with the difficulties while implementing this act?

1.What is the role of Central/State Governments?

1. Develop educational programmes for the public especially disadvantaged communities on RTI. 

2. Encourage Public Authorities to participate in the development and organization of such programmes. 

3. Promote timely dissemination of accurate information to the public.

4. Train officers and develop training materials.

5. Compile and disseminate a User Guide for the public in the respective official language.

6. Publish names, designation postal addresses and contact details of PIOs and other information such as notices regarding fees to be paid, remedies available in law if request is rejected etc.


2. Who has the Rule making power?

Central Government, State Governments and the Competent Authority as defined are vested with powers to make rules to carry out the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005.


3. Who has the power to deal with the difficulties while implementing this act?

If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions in the Act, the Central Government may, by Order published in the Official Gazette, make provisions necessary/expedient for removing the difficulty.




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