in Town Panchayats
E-governance initiatives in Town Panchayats
I. Online Tender Documentation Download System

Tender documents of all Town Panchayats works costing more than Rs.10.00 lakhs have been published in Also the Tender documents of all Town Panchayats works costing more than Rs.5.00 lakhs have been published by the Town Panchayats Administration.
II. E-submission of Tender
Implementation of E-submission of Tender in 110 Town Panchayats is under progress. Digital Signatures for the Tender Opening Authorities of above Town Panchayats and contractors have been supplied.

III. Web site for all Town Panchayats
Web site for all Town Panchayats has been hosted by the Department. In this portal, information regarding Town Panchayat is being updated by the individual Town Panchayats.

IV. Comprehensive Online Scheme Monitoring System (COSMOS)
Online Work Monitoring system for Town Panchayats scheme works have been hosted. More than 23675 works have been entered and monitored using this system.
V. Enhancement of e-service Project in Urban Local Bodies
Under the Enhancement of e-service Project in Urban Local Bodies so far 471 Computers are supplied to Town Panchayats, Zonal Office and Commissionerate of Town Panchayats. Supply of computers to the remaining Town Panchayats is under process.
VI. Birth & Death Registration
In Town Panchayats the Birth & Death Registration has already been computerised by client software. Now it has been proposed to convert the client software into online through NIC. Preparation of data base and conversion into online is under progress.