Property Tax Assessment Town Panchayats
1. Ward No. & Location : 2. Door No. & Street Name : 3. Owner's Name : 4.
i) Assessment No.
: 5.
Total Area of the Building 6.
Use of the Building 7. Age of the Building : 8. Zone : 9. Zonal Basic value : 10. Monthly Rental Value
i) Residential (Col.5 X
: 11. Annual Rental Value (12 X Col.10) : 12.
Land value out of Col.11 (1/6th or 1/3rd of ARV (Col.11)
: Industries:-
i) 1/6th
: 13. Building value out of (Col.11 - Col.12) : 14. 10% of Building value for maintenance (10% of Col.13) : 15. Annual value (Col.11 - Col.14) : 16. Discount for age (Col.15 X Allowed percentage) : 17. Discount for nature of building (Col.15 X Allowed percentage) : RCC - Nil
i) Tailed/AC
25% 17A.Discount for owner occupied Residential buildings (Col.15 X 30%) : 18. Net annual value (Col.15 - Col.16 + Col.17 + Col. 17A) : 19. Revised Half yearly Property Tax. :
i) Property Tax (Col.18 X
rate of Property Tax)
: 20. Increase in Tax (Col.19(iii) - Col.4(ii)) : 21.
Percentage of increase (Col.19(iv) - Col.4(ii) X 100
: 22. Restricted to Ceiling :
Res. Owner + 50% (Col.4(ii) X 1.5)
: 23. Half yearly Property Tax fixed from 1.10.98 (either Col.4(ii)or 19(iv) or 22) :
Property Tax