GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU ABSTRACT Public Services – Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats Subordinates Service Special Rules – Issued. RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No. 270 Dated : 4.4.1990 Read: 1.
G.O.Ms.No. 2156 RDLA Dt.16.10.64 Read also 5.
From the Director of Town Panchayats Lr.No. 5505/81/A3
Dt.30.10.81, 23.1.82 and 6.3.82 --- ORDER : In the Government order third read above orders were issued constituting a separate Directorate of Town Panchayats to be exclusively in-charge of the administration of Town Panchayats and Panchayat Townships with effect from the date of issue of the said order, namely 7.5.1981. 2.The Director of Town Panchayats in his letter fifth, sixth, eight and ninth read above has sent the draft rules for various categories of posts in the Town Panchayat Department. The Government have carefully examined the proposals of the Director of Town Panchayats and have decided to issue the rules as in the appended notification. 3.(i) The Executive Officer, Township in the cadre of Block Development Officer shall be designated as “Executive Officer, Township(Special Grade)”, the Superintendent in the grade of Block Development Officer in the Directorate of Town Panchayats shall be designated as “Executive Officer, Special Grade(Administration)”, and the Executive Officer, Township in the grade of Selection Grade shall be designated as “Executive Officer, Township”. (ii) Ministerial Superintendents in the office of the Director of Town Panchayats and the Head Assistant in the Office of the District Town Panchayat Officers shall be redesignated as “Executive Officer, Selection Grade (Administration)” and the Additional Panchayat Officers in the Office of the District Town Panchayat Officers shall be redesignated as “Executive Officers (Selection Grade) (Executive) (By order of the Governor) S.
Director of Stationary and Printing, Madras-600002. // True Copy // APPENDIX NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the constitution of India / in modification of the / and rules published with the Rural Development and Local Administration Department Notification S.R.O.No.A. 1192 of 1964 dated the 16th October, 1964, at pages 1220-1222 of Part-V of the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, dated the 9th December 1964, as subsequently amended and the rules published with the Rural Development and Local Administration Department Notification S.R.O.No.B.133/84, dated the 12th April 1984 at pages 169-170 of Part III Section I (b) of the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, Dated the 25th April 1984, as subsequently amended so for as they relate to the posts included in these rules, the Governor of Tamil Nadu here by makes the following Special Rules for the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayat Subordinate Service which will be included as Section No.52 in Volume III of the Tamil Nadu Service Manual 1970. 2.The rules hereby made shall be deemed to have come into force on the 7th May 1981, except the posts of Executive Officer, Grade I and Executive Officer (Accounts) and Executive Officer, Grade II which will be come into force on the 5th February 1985. RULES 1.Constitution: The Service shall consist of the following classes of officers namely:- Category1 :
Executive Officer (Special Grade) Category
Executive Officer, Selection Grade Category
3: Executive Officer, Grade I Category 4: Executive Officer, Grade II 2(a) Appointment: Appointment to the posts specified in column (1) of the table below shall be made by the methods specified in the corresponding entries in column (2) thereof. THE TABLE
Note: The ratio between direct recruitment by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission and by recruitment by transfer shall be in the ratio of 1:3
(b) Appointment by promotion to the posts in category 1,2 and 3 shall be made on grounds of merit and ability, and seniority being considered only where merit and ability are approximately equal. 3) Qualification :- No person shall be eligible for appointment to the posts specified in column (1) of the Table below by the methods specified in the corresponding entries in the column (2) thereof, unless he possesses the qualifications specified in the corresponding entries in column (3) thereof THE TABLE
4. Appointing Authority (a) The Director of Town Panchayats shall be the appointing authority for the following categories. 1.
Executive Officer (Special Grade)(Township) and 2.
Executive Officer, Selection Grade, Town Panchayats. 3.
Executive Officer,(Accounts) in the Directorate of Town Panchayats and
District Town Panchayat Offices. 5.Probation: Every person appointed to the post by direct recruitment or recruitment by transfer shall, from the date on which he joins duty, be on probation for total period of two years on duty within a continuous period of three years. 6. Unit for appointment, reversion, discharge of probationers / approved probationers and full members:- For the purpose of appointment, reversion or discharge for want of vacancies and reappointment, or probationers and approved probationers and appointment as full members, the State shall be the unit for the following categories:- 1.
Executive Officers, Special Grade (Township) and 2.
Executive Officer, Selection Grade Town Panchayat, 3.
Executive Officers (Accounts) in the Directorate of Town For the purpose of appointment, reversion or discharge for want of vacancies and reappointment of probationers and approved probationers and appointment as full members, the revenue District concerned shall be the unit for the following categories:- 1.
Executive Officer, Grade I (Town Panchayat) 7. Tests: Every person appointed to the posts by direct recruitment or by recruitment by transfer shall within the period of probation pass the Departmental Tests for Officers of Panchayat Development Department, Panchayat Development Account Test and District Office Manual Test, if he has not already passed those tests. Provided that a person who has already commenced his probation before the issue of these rules in any of the posts of which the test qualification has been prescribed in these rules should pass the test within a period of two years from the date of issue of these rules. Failure to pass the test within the above period will entail stoppage of increment until he passes tests. However, the stoppage of increment will not have the effect of postponing his future increments after he has passed the tests. 8. Posting and transfers:- (a) Postings transfers within the district shall be made by the District Collector and from one district to another district by the Director of Town Panchayats. (b) In case of transfer of person belonging to District Unit, by mutual consent or at his own request as the case may be from one district to another district, the person shall take his rank last in the list of probationers or approved probationers or full members, as the case may be in that Category. 9. Preparation of Annual list of approved candidates. For the purpose of preparation of annual list of approved candidates for appointment to the post, the crucial date on which the candidate should posses the qualifications shall be the 1st March of every year. The Director of Town Panchayats shall be the approving authority for the panels for all the posts from Executive Officer, Grade II. 10. Saving clause:- Nothing contained in these rules shall adversely affect the persons holding any of the posts referred to in these rules on the date of issue of these rules.
S.NARAYAN /True Copy/ |