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PANCHAYAT – TOWN PANCHAYATS – Separate Directorate of town Panchayats – Creation of – Orders Issued.


G.O.Ms.No. 828                                                                                                            Dated the 7th May 1981

 (Chithira 25, Thunmathi, 2012 Thiruvalluvar Aandu) 


                    From the Director of Rural Development Letter No. Rc.3691/81/E-III Dated 18.2.1981. 


          Under the Panchayat Act 1958, certain statutory functions have been vested with the Panchayats and Panchayat Unions for executing rural development works.  Under the Sixth Plan, greater responsibilities have devolved on the local bodies.  Execution of schemes like self-sufficiency, Integrated Rural Development, National Rural Employment Programme, etc. call for effective functioning of the local bodies and close supervision of their work. 

          2. There are 1,322 village Panchayats, 618 Town Panchayat/Panchayat Townships and 376 Panchayat Unions in Tamil Nadu.  The work of these local bodies is being coordinated by the District Collector at district level and by the Director of Rural Development at the State level.  With the introduction of several special schemes the work load of Directorate of Rural Development has increased enormously, with the result the Director of Rural Development has not been able to give adequate attention to the development of Town Panchayats and Panchayat Townships.  Because of this the administration of Town Panchayat/Panchayat Townships has suffered very badly.  Hence with a view to ensure effective administration of Town Panchayats, the need for bifurcating the Directorate of Rural Development and the constitution of a separate Directorate solely to be in-charge of the administration of the Town Panchayats has been keenly felt.  Representations have been received from Tamil Nadu Arasu Aluvalar Kazhagam (C&D Group) requesting the constitution of a separate Directorate of Town Panchayats.  At the conference of the Tamil Nadu Panchayat Employees Union held at Tirunelveli on 6.12.1980 the Chief Minister accepted the demand for the formation of a separate Directorate for Town Panchayats. 

          3. The Government, have carefully examined the proposals for the formation of a separate Directorate in consultation with the Director of Rural Development and they have decided to constitute a separate Directorate of Town Panchayats with immediate effect.  After careful consideration, the Government sanction the constitution of a separate Directorate of Town Panchayats to be exclusively in-charge of the administration of Town Panchayats and Panchayat Townships with effect from the date of issue of this order.  The new Directorate shall be headed by a Director who shall exercise all the powers as in the case of other heads of Department and shall be a State Touring Officer.  He shall exercise all the administrative and financial powers so far exercised by the Director of Rural Development in respect of town Panchayats/Panchayat Townships.  Necessary amendments to the notification will be issued separately. 

          4. The Director of Town Panchayats shall function as ‘Inspector of Town Panchayats’ throughout the State under the Panchayat Act, 1958.  The District Collectors shall continue to be Inspectors of Town Panchayats within the respective district.  The Director and the collectors shall have concurrent powers in respect of Town Panchayats.  Necessary amendments to the relevant rules will be issued in due course. 

          5. The Government further direct that the State shall be divided into seven regions for the purpose of efficient administration of Town Panchayats as shown below:- 

                    REGION                                           HEADQUARTERS 

1. Chengalpattu and South Arcot Districts                       Chengalpattu
2. Dharmapuri and North Arcot Districts                          Krishnagiri
3. Thanjavur,Pudukkottai and Tiruchirappalli Districts        Pudukkottai
4. Tirunelveli and Kanyakumari Districts                           Tirunelveli
5. Coimbatore and The Nilgiris Districts                            Tiruppur
6. Salem and Periyar Districts                                         Komarapalayam
7. Madurai and Ramanathapuram Districts                       Sivagangai 

          Each region shall be placed in-charge of a Regional Director of Town Panchayats in the grade of Divisional Development Officer.  They will function independently and directly under the Director of Town Panchayats. 

          6. The Directorate of Town Panchayats shall function for the present in the Kuralagam building where the office of the Director of Rural Development is located in a separate wing.  All the furniture, typewriters, etc., which are now being utilised by the staff to be transferred from the Director of Rural Development Office shall be permanently transferred to the Directorate of Town Panchayats.  the staff car (TMZ 6345) now attached to the Additional Director of Rural Development shall also be transferred to the new Directorate.  The Office of the Regional Directors of Town Panchayat shall be located in Government buildings and if Government buildings are not available, they shall be located in private buildings on a rent not exceeding Rs.500/- per mensum (Rupees Five hundred only) per Office after following the normal procedure.  The assessed and the minimum number purchased subject to the norms and conditions prescribed therefor and following the used by the staff to be transferred from Directorate of Rural Development and any surplus furniture available with the Director of Rural Development/Divisional Development Offices/Town Panchayats/Panchayat Unions shall be utilised by the new offices and only over and above this number should be purchased.  The purchase of stationery should be restricted to the barest minimum. 

          6. The duties and powers of the Inspector of Panchayats contemplated in the Act and which have been delegated to the Divisional Development Officers shall be exercised by the Regional Directors of Town Panchayats in respect of Town Panchayats and Panchayat Townships.  Necessary orders delegating consequent on the creation of the new Directorate of Town Panchayats, there will no charge in the present set up of the Town Panchayat administration, the powers of the Executive Officer, pay scales of the staff etc.

          7. The staff listed in the annexure-I now working in the Director of Rural Development’s Office and who are dealing with matters exclusively relating to Town Panchayat Administration shall immediately function under the direct control of the Directorate of the Town Panchayats.  In addition to these staff, Government sanction the employment of the staff listed in the Annexure-II in the scales of pay noted against them to assist the Director for a period of one year from the date of appointment.  The staff should be appointed gradually according to necessity. 

          8. In order to finalise the arrangements in connection with the creation of the Directorate of Town Panchayat the Government sanction the appointment of a Special Officer for a period of three months.  The Special Officer will be Ex. Officio Director of Town Panchayats. 

          9. The Government appoint Thiru P. Somasundaram, Additional Director of Rural Development, Madras to act as Special Officer in the post sanctioned in the above para  He will continue to draw his pay in the time scale of pay of Rs.1600-75-1750-100-2250 applicable to him plus the usual allowances.  This is a personal scale applicable to the individual officer and hence will be applicable so long as he continues in this post.  Thereafter the scale of pay of the post shall be Rs. 1500-75-1800-100-2100 per mensum. 

          10. The Government also sanction the creation of the additional posts for the offices of the Regional Directors of Town Panchayats as indicated in the Annexure-III for a period of one year from the date of appointment. 

          11. The Executive Officers, of the Town Panchayats and Panchayat Townships and all the other staff working in the Town Panchayat and Panchayat Townships and Regional Directorate of Town Panchayats and staff will come under the administrative control of the Directorate of Town Panchayats. The entire additional staff sanctioned in this order should be recruited only from among the personnel already working in the Directorate of Rural Development and in the Panchayat Development Units in the Districts. The Special Officer is requested to send necessary proposals to Government for issue of necessary notifications amendment required to various rules for the smooth functioning of the Department and for the selection and appointment of the additional staff and also for framing adhoc rules in respect of the posts attached to the new department. 

          12. The expenditure on the scheme sanctioned in this order will be on a ‘New Service’.  Approval of the Legislature will be obtained in due course.  Pending approval of the Legislature, the expenditure will be initially met from an advance from the contingency fund, orders regarding which will be issued from Finance (B.G.I.) Department.  The Special Officer is also requested to send necessary proposals to Government in the Finance (B.G.I) Department for the sanction of advance from the contingency fund along with a copy of this order. 

          13. The expenditure will be debited to a new head of account to be opened under “314 C.D. A-General-AA Direction and Administration-I-Non Plan-AI. Directorate of Town Panchayats”. 

          14. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide its U.O.No.57390/RDLA/81 Dated 7.5.1981.

 (By order of the Governor)  

Commissioner and Secretary to Government.



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Last  updated on Friday, May 30, 2008