ABSTRACT Rural Development Department – Strengthening and upgradation of Bus plying Non-bus plying Special Village Panchayat roads under comprehensive road infrastructure Development programme 2005-2006 – Administrative Sanction –Orders – Issued. RURAL DEVELOPMENT (SVP1)DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No.118 Dated.22.8.2005 Read 1.From the Director of Special Village Panchayats, Chennai-108 Letter No. Roc. No. 10619/2005/B1 Dated.13.6.2005 and 14.6.2005. ORDER: It has been brought to the notice of Government that a large number of bus plying B.T. roads and WBM roads in Special Village Panchayats have become worn out and damaged. The total length of such bad roads is around 1499.164 kms. Considering the hardship caused to the rural masses and to redress the long pending demands for better roads, keeping in view the national policy for road connectivity to all villages , it has been proposed to take up the up gradation of certain identified bus plying B.T roads and WBM roads around 1499.164 kms in the Special Village Panchayats. The Director of Special Village Panchayats has come up with a comprehensive action programme for immediate implementation of the strengthening and up gradation of the road works as detailed below at an estimated cost of about Rs.100 crores.
2.The Director of Special Village Panchayats has stated it is proposed to execute the works with the following financing pattern. 1)Rs.50 Crores from State funds. 2)Rs.50 Crores to be funded by NABARD 3.The Director of Special Village Panchayats has therefore requested that a sum of Rs.50 Crores may be allocated from state funds and remaining Rs.50 Crore will be met by financial assistance from NABARD for the execution of the aforesaid Road Works. 4. The Government have examined the above proposal of the Director of Special Village Panchayats in detail and accept the same and thereby accord administrative sanction for a sum of Rs.50 Crores (Rupees fifty crores) for strengthening the Bus plying and non-bus plying Special Village Panchayat Roads to facilitate smooth transportation in rural areas under the comprehensive Road infrastructure Development programme for the year 2005-2006 as detailed in the annexures to this order. 5. The expenditure sanctioned in paragraph 4 shall be debited to a new sub head of account to be opened under Demand No.40 Rural Development Department as detailed below., “4515-00 –Capital Outlay on other Rural Development Programmes -800 other expenditure – Schemes in the Tenth Five Year Plan –II State Plan-JL Comprehensive Riad Development programme Special Village Panchayat Roads-16MajorWorks”. (DPC4515-00-800-JL-1600) ` The Director of Special Village Panchayats will be the estimating, reconciling and controlling authority for the above new head of account. The Pay and Accounts Officer/Treasury Officer concerned is requested to open the above new head of Account in their accounts. 6.The expenditure sanctioned in Para 4 above constitute an item of “ New Service” The approval of the legislature will be obtained in due course pending approval of the legislature the expenditure may initially be met from an advance drawn from contingency Fund. Orders regarding this will be issued separately in Finance (BG1)Department . The Director of Special Village Panchayats is requested to apply for sanction of contingency fund in the prescribed proforma along with the copy o this order to Government in Finance(BG1) Department to send necessary Note for Supplementary Estimates for inclusion of this expenditure in the supplementary Estimats for 2005-2006 at appropriate time without fail,. 7.The Director of Special Village Panchayats shall implement this scheme under Special Village Panchayat component and she is authorized to draw and disburse the amount sanctioned in paragraph 4 above. She is the estimating reconciling and controlling authority for the above said head of account. She is requested to ensure the quality of work as per the standards by issuing detailed instructions to be concerned authorities. She is further instructed to closely monitor that strong quality control steps should be taken and quality work should be done. She is also directed to ensure that the above works have not been included /undertaken in any other schemes before calling for tenders. 8.This Order issues in with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide its U.O.No.190/DS(AV)2005, dated.22.8.2005. (BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR) SANTHA SHEELA NAIR SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT
To The Director of Special Village Panchayats, Chennai-2. All Collectors. All Treasury Officer P & AO South /South East/Chennai The Accountant General, Chennai-18/35 The Manager, NABARD, Mahathma Gandhi Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai-34
Copy to Secretary to Chief Minister, Secretariat, Chennai-9 Senior Personal Secretary to Minister ( Information Public and Local Adminstration) Senior P.S to Minister(Public works and Revenue ) Department, Chennai-9. Senior personal Secretary to Minister (Finance) Department, Chennai-9 Personnel Secretary to Secretary to Rural Development Department, Chennai-9 P.S to Secretary to Highways Department , Chennai-9 P.S to Secretary to Finance Department, Chennai-9 Finance(RD,BG1 & BGII) Department, Chennai-9
//forwarded /By order// Section Officer. |