ABSTRACT Special Village Panchayats - Continue to access funds under various Rural Development Schemes both at central and State levels -- Transition year 2005-06 Allotments -- orders issued. Rural Development (SVP1) Department
G.O.(Ms) No.130 Dated.27.9.2005 Ref:-- 1. GO.Ms. No. 90 RD (SVP1) Department, dated 15.6.2005. 2. From the Director of Rural Development letter Rc No. 108923/04/MC3, dated 23.8.2005.**** ORDER:- In the GO first read above, orders were issued to the effect that the year 2005-2006 would be treated as the transition year for the Special Village Panchayats Department and the Department should access funds under various schemes of Rural Development both central and State Governments and also source funds from the Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department both central and state for the various programme such as SJSRY and NSDP.2. The Director of Rural Development has sent proposal to Government for release of funds under the following schemes to the Director of Special Village Panchayat during the year 2005 - 2006 as follows.
3. The Government have decided to allocate funds to the department of Special Village Panchayats from among the funds allocated under various scheme to the Director of Rural Development. After careful consideration the Government accord sanction for the allocation and release of the funds to the Special Village Panchayats for the year 2005-2006 as follows.
4. The release of funds sanctioned above in column 2 at para 3 above under SGSY, SGRY, TSC Schemes is subject to the matching release being done by the Director of Rural Development to the Director of Special Village Panchayats from Government of India allocation. 5. The Amount sanctioned in para 3 should be debited to the following head of Account. I. SGSY 2501. Special Programmes for Rural Development Department 06. Self Employment Programmes 003. Training, Schemes in the Tenth Five year plan -II State Plan JB. Swarna Jayanthi Gram Swarozgar Yojana for Special Village Panchayat 09. Grants in aid 03. Grant for Specific Schemes ( DPC.No.2501-06-003-JB-0936)
II. SGRY 2505. Rural Employment 01. National Programmes 702. Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana Schemes in the Tenth Five Year Plan- IIState Plan JM. Sampoorana Grameen Rozgar Yojana for Special Village Panchayat 09. Grants in aid o2. Grant for Capital Expenditure (DPC.No. 2505-01-702-JM-0924) III Total Sanitation Campaign 2215. Water Supply and Sanitation 02. Sewarage and Sanitation 105 Sanitation services Schemes in the Tenth Five Year Plan II. State Plan. JM. Total Sanitation Campaign for Special Village Panchayat 09. Grants in aid 03. Grants for Specific Schemes (DPC. No. 2215-02-105-JM-0939) 6. The Director of Special Village Panchayat is authorized to draw and disburse the amount sanctioned in para 3 above to the District Rural Development Agency and to Monitor the progress of the Schemes. 7. The Director of Rural Development and Director of Special Village Panchayat shall arrive at the interse allocation to each Special Village Panchayat District wise and based on this, Director of Rural Development shall issue proceedings directing each DRDA inturn to release funds to the Assistant Director of each Special Village Panchayats in the districts concerned and obtain statement of accounts of utilization from them. 8. For the release of amount to Director of Special Village Panchayats under shared scheme, the Director of Rural Development shall be the nodal Department as the Government of India's funds are directly sent to DRDA and the corresponding matching share is released to DRDA through the Director of Rural Development . 9. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide its UO. No. 250/DS/(B)/05 dated 27.9.05. (BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR)
To The Director of Special Village Panchayats, Chennai—108. The Director of Rural Development ,Chennai—15. Pay and Accounts Officer, North / South, Chennai-1/35. The Accountant General, Chennai—18 The Accountant General, (Audit) Chennai—18 Copy to The Secretary to Government , MA&WS Department. Chennai—9 The Secretary to Government ,Finance Department,Chennai—9. PS to Secretary to Government ,Rural Development Department ,Chennai—9. Finance (RD) Department, Chennai-9 Rural Development (P2) Department, Chennai-9. Forwarded by Order SECTION OFFICER |