ABSTRACT Part II Scheme – 2005-2006 – Lumpsum grant provision for support of Augmentation of infrastructure in financially weaker Special Village Panchayats – Rs.500 Lakhs – sanction Order-issued. RURAL DEVELOPMENT (SVP1) DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No.64 Dated.17.5.2005 Read
ORDER:- The Standing Finance Committee has approved the proposal for lumpsum grant provision for support for augmentation of infrastructure in 100 financially weaker Special Village Panchayats at an estimate cost of Rs.500 Lakhs (Five hundred Lakhs) Rs. 5 Lakhs for each Special Village Panchayat as per annexure to this Government Order, under part II Scheme for the year 2005-2006. 2.Sanction is hereby accorded for lumpsum Grant or Rs.500 Lakhs (Rupees Five Hundred lakhs Only) to support for augmentation of infrastructure such as water supply, Road, Street Lights and Sanitary facilities in 100 financially weaker Special Village Panchayats, at an estimated cost of Rs.5 Lakhs per Special Village Panchayats specified in the enclosed annexure to this Government Order for the year 2005-2006. Most of them are financially weak and they are not able to provide adequate infrastructure facilities/basic amenities i.e Water Supply, Roads, Street Lights and Sanitary facilities. Therefore it was suggested to allot Rs.500 Lakhs under Part II Scheme in the year 2005-06 and the same shall be apportioned to 100 financially weaker Special Village Panchayats at the rate of Rs.5.00 Lakhs each. The Special village Panchayats councils concerned shall be requested to select works according to their local needs, since the priority on requirement varies from Panchayats to Panchayats. 3.The expenditure sanctioned in para 2 above shall be debited to the following head of account. 2515-00 –Other Rural Development Programmes -800 Other Expenditure I –Non Plan KJ Assistance to Special village Panchayat for infrastructure Development 09 Grant in aid of 03. Grant for Special Schemes(DPC.No.2515-00-800-KJ-0939) 4.The Director of Special Village Panchayts is authorized to draw and disburse the same to the Collectors. The Collector of the respective Districts requested to send the utilization certificate to Government within the prescribed time. 5.This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide its U.O.No.32839/RD/2005 dated.11.5.2005. (By Order of the Governor) SANTHA SHEELA NAIR SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT
To, The Director of Special Village Panchayats, Chennai-108 The Director of Rural Development, Chennai-15 The Accountant General, Chennai-18/35 The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, Chennai-15 The Director of Local Fund, Chennai The Pay and Accounts Officer(North), Chennai-1
Copy to Finance (RD) Department, Chennai-9 Rural Development(P2) Department, Chennai Private Secretary to Secretary to Governemt, RD Department, Chennai-9 Stock file/Spare copy
/Forwarded by Order/ SECTION OFFICER
ANNEXURE Details of Special Village Panchayats for which infrastructure of works to be taken up during 2005-2006