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Hill Area Development Programme - The Nilgiris District - Annual Plan 2005-2006 - Development of Local Bodies Sector - Implementation of Schemes - Expenditure sanctioned - Orders - Issued.



G.O.Ms.No.94                                                                                         Dated: 7.10.2005


1) G.O.Ms.No.67, Planning and Development (HAP) Department, dt. 17.5.84.

2) G.O.Ms.No.43, Planning and Development (TC.II) Department, dated 18.5.2001

3) G.O.Ms.No.73, Planning Development and Special Initiatives (TC.II) Department, dt. 12.8.2004.

4) From the Project Director, Hill Area Development Programme Lr.Rc.HA.No.2525/2004, dt.17.2.2005 and 13.9.2005.

5) From the Deputy Adviser (MLP), Union Planning Commission, Government of India, Lr.No.PC(P) 19/420/NIL/2005-WGS, dated 3.6.2005 and 16.8.2005.



In the Government Order third read above, a sum of Rs.270 lakhs was sanctioned for providing certain basic amenities and infrastructural facilities for the local people as well as the visiting tourists in the Nilgiris District under Development of Local Bodies sector during 2004-2005 under Hill Area Development Programme. In the letter fourth read above, the Project Director, Hill Area Development Programme has sent proposals for Rs.288.25 lakhs for implementing various schemes under Development of Local Bodies sector during 2005-2006 under Hill Area Development Programme. The Union Planning Commission, Government of India has approved an outlay of Rs.288.25 lakhs for Development of Local Bodies Sector during 2005-2006 under Hill Area Development Programme.'

2. The Government, after careful consideration accept the proposal of the Project Director, Hill Area Development Programme and accord sanction for incurring an expenditure of Rs.288.25 lakhs (Rupees two hundred and eighty eight lakhs and twenty five thousand only) towards implementing schemes under Development of Local Bodies sector in the Nilgiris District during 2005-2006 under Hill Area Development Programme as detailed in the Annexure to this order.

3. The expenditure sanctioned in Para 2 above shall be debited to the following head of account under Demand No.35 as detailed below.

"4551 Capital Outlay on Hill Areas - 60 Other Hill Areas - 139 Special Programme for Rural Development - Scheme in the Tenth Five Year Plan - II State Plan - JA Improvement of Water Supply Drainage and road works under Hill Area Development Programme - 16 Major works (DPC.4551 60 139 JA 1609)

4. Necessary additional funds will be provided in RE/FMA 2005-2006 in the above head of account. The Project Director, Hill Area Development Programme / The Director of Municipal Administration / Director of Rural Development / Director of Special Village Panchayat are requested to include the above item of expenditure in the proposal for RE/FMA 2005-2006 while sending it to Government in Finance Dept. at the appropriate time.

5. Pending provision of funds in RE/FMA 2005-2006 the Collector of Nilgiris is authorised to draw the amount sanctioned in para 2 above directly from the District Treasury and disburse it to Municipal Administration, Special Village Panchayats and Rural Development Departments under proper acknowledgement based on the progress of implementation of the schemes as per the revised guidelines issued in the Government Order second read above.

6. The Project Director, Hill Area Development Programme,. Udhagamandalam shall take up the works only after preparation and approval of necessary plan and estimates by the competent authority.

7. The Director of Special Village Panchayats, Director of Municipal Administration, Director of Rural Development and the Project Director, Hill Area Development Programme shall send progress report on the implementation of the scheme sanctioned in para 2 above to this Department by 15th of every month without fail.

8. The Secretary, Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department and Secretary Rural Development shall watch the implementation of the schemes as ordered in the Government Order first read above.

9. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide its U.O.No.71830/Fin.(Pub)/2005, dt. 6.10.2005 and additional sanction ledger No.855.

(By order of the Governor)


Secretary to Government


The Collector of Nilgiris District, Udhagamandalam

The Project Director. Hill Area Development Programme. Udhagamandalam

The Director of Special Village Panchayats, Chennai-108.

The Director of Rural Development, Chennai-15.

The Commissioner of Municipal Administration, Chennai-5.

The Treasury Officer, Udhagamandalam

The Accountant General (A&E), Chennai-18 (by name)

The Accountant General (Au.1/CRA), Chennai-18



Copy to

The Secretary to Government, MA&WS/Rural Development Department, Chennai-9.

The Finance (MA&WS/BG.II/Pub) Department, Chennai-9.


//Forwarded/by Order//




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Last  updated on Friday, May 30, 2008