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          As  per  the Tamil Nadu  Panchayat  Act, 1994, the Town Panchayat Executive Officer may at his discretion on application by the owner or by the occupier of  any  building arrange  to supply water through House Service  Connections.   If the  rental  value  of the property is  more  than  Rs.100/- and if supply  can be provided for a distribution main not  more  than 100  feet  distance  from  any  part  of  such  building,  it  is compulsory  on the part of the owner or occupier to take a  house service  connection.  The cost of making the connection  and  the cost or hire charges of water meters shall be borne by the  owner or applicant. 

          Each Town Panchayat has framed a separate water  supply bye-law for adoption by the consumer incorporating various  terms and conditions.  The total number of house service  connections in a Town Panchayat area is restricted to the sanctioned capacity of water supply scheme in force in a Town Panchayat. 

Procedure  for application: 

The owner or occupier may  apply  for the  house  service  connection in  the  prescribed  form.    The  application should be enclosed with the following documents. 

1.       Application in the prescribed format 

2.       Line  sketch  and estimate indicating the  distribution  main location of  the house,  including the tap point 
and   water metre. 

3.       Challan remitting the charges and deposits prescribed by the concerned Town Panchayat in the respective

4.       Property tax receipt for the preceding half year. 

5.       Agreement  duly  signed  (Agreement format available in  the application.)              

    Model application form is enclosed in Annexure I & Annexure II .




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Last  updated on Friday, May 30, 2008