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Inter - se seniority List between Promotees and Directly Recruited Accountants -Communication orderNew

Provisional Inter - se seniority List between Promotees and Directly Recruited Accountants - Communication order

Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate Service - Sub Treasury Officer/ Additional Sub Treasury Officer / Superintendent - Tentative Panel - 2024-2025 - Circular

Assistant Accounts Officer - Panel Preparation - 2023 - 2024 - Proposals - All Subordinates - Circular

Assistant Accounts Officer - Panel Preparation - 2023-2024 - Proposals - All HoDs - Circular

G.O.Ms.No.214, Dated 24th June 2024

Selection of Outsourcing Agency for the supply of Professional Man Power Resources

Assistant Treasury Officers Panel 2023-2024

Superintendent Panel 2023-2024

Assistant Accounts Officer - Panel Preparation - 2022-2023 - Proposals - All Subordinates - Circular

Assistant Accounts Officer - Panel Preparation - 2022-2023 - Proposals - All HoDs - Circular

Sub Treasury Officer/Superintendent - Panel Preparation - 2023-2024- Proposals - Circular

Assistant Treasury Officer/Senior Superintendent-2023-2024- Proposals - Circular

Additional Director - Revised Seniority List on Merit Basis - 2020-2021

Chief Accounts Officer - Revised Seniority List on Merit Basis - 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022

Assistant Treasury Officer/Senior Superintendent - Revised Seniority List on Merit Basis - 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 - Approved - Confirmation Orders "

Assistant Accounts Officer - Revised Seniority List on Merit Basis - 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 - Approved - Confirmation Orders

Superintendent/ Sub Treasury Officer/Additional Sub Treasury Officer - Revised Seniority List on Merit Basis - 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 - Approved - Confirmation Orders

Re-drawl of panel to the post of Chief Accounts Officer - 2021- 2022

Chief Accounts Officer - Revised Seniority List on Merit Basis - 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018

Joint Director - Revised Seniority List on Merit Basis - 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024

Superintendent/ Sub Treasury Officer/Additional Sub Treasury Officer - Revised Seniority List on Merit Basis - 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022New

Assistant Treasury Officer/Senior Superintendent - Revised Seniority List on Merit Basis - 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022

Assistant Accounts Officer - Revised Seniority List on Merit Basis - 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021<

G.O.Ms.No.298, Dated 12th October 2023

G.O.Ms.No.227, Dated 17th July 2023

Selection of Consultancy Agency for setting up a Project Management Unit

Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate Services - Assistant Treasury Officer/Senior Superintendent Panel for the year 2021-2022

G.O.Ms.No.376, Dated 26.11.2022

Floating of Tender for Networking Equipment, System Software, and Exa data Servers

Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate Service - Assistant Treasury Officer/Senior Superintendent Preparation of Panel for the year 2021-2022

Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate Service - Sub Treasury Officer/Superintendent Preparation of Panel for the year 2021-2022

Tamil Nadu Financial Analytics System - pre bid queries replied

TENDER NOTICE- Selection of Application Service Provider & System Integrator to Design, Develop, and Maintain Financial Analytical System for Treasuries and Account Department

G.O.Ms.No.289, Dated 9th September 2022

CORRIGENDUM - TENDER NOTICE- TNPFTS Extension of date from 16.09.2022 to 07.10.2022

Tender notice - for the Selection of System Integrator to Design, Develop and Maintain the Software Application Tamil Nadu Public Fund Tracking System [TNPFTS]

Notification for direct recruitment to the post of Accounts Officer, Class III included in the Tamil Nadu state Treasuries and Accounts Service


G.O.Ms.No.165, Dated 01.06.2022

Assistant Accounts Officer Panel call letter (2021 -2022) All subordinate officers Treasuries and Accounts Department

Assistant Accounts Officer Panel call letter (2021 -2022) All Head of Department

Conditions for Auction of Condemned Vehicles

Formulation of Comprehensive Guidelines for the corpus fund (G.O.Ms.No.120, Dated 02.05.2022)

Superintendent/Sub-Treasury Officer panel for the year 2020-2021

Assistant Treasury Officer/Senior Superintendent panel for the year 2020-2021

Assistant Accounts Officer Panel 2020-2021

Establishment list certain details called for

Extension of Time - Assistant Accounts Officer Panel 2020-2021

NHIS - 2021

Assistant Accounts Officer Panel preparation - All Head of Department

Assistant Accounts Officer Panel preparation - All Subordinate Officers (T&A)

G.O (Rt) No. 325 Dated 27th May 2021

Preparation of Class III Officers panel for the year 2020-21(Qualified AAO's)

Preparation of Class III Officers panel for the year 2020-21(Qualified ATO's and Sr.Supdt

G.O (Ms) No. 441 Dated 3rd December 2020

G.O (Rt) No. 712 Dated 11th November 2020

Circular - Assistant Accounts Officers panel - Requesting Post Confirmation to consider proposals from other departments

Class IV - Assistant Accounts Officers panel for the year 2019-2020

Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate Services - Assistant Treasury Officers/Senior Superintendent panel for the year 2019-2020

Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate Services - Superintendent/Sub Treasury Officers panel for the year 2019-2020

The list of Superintendent who are likely to be considered in the panel of Assistant Accounts Officer for the year 2019-2020

Class IV - Assistant Accounts Officer Panel for the year 2019-2020 - Call letter

Payment of DCRG GPF directly by Pay and Account officers/Treasury officers/Sub-treasury officers

Appointment to the category of Sub Treasury Officers/Superintendent - Panel for the year 2018-2019

Assistant Accounts Officer Panel 2018- 2019

Letter No.4290/Finance(SS)/2019-6, Dated 6th June 2019

Letter No.18681/H/Finance(SS)/2017-10, Dated 7th June 2019

G.O.Rt.No.482 Dated 29th May 2019

Download Local Body Account Statement for the year 2017-18

G.O Ms.No. 85 Dated 4th March 2019

DP Code - Vol I Vol II Vol III Vol IV

D.O Letter - Integrated Financial and Human Resource Management System (IFHRMS) Project - Infrastructure arrangements requested-reg.

ATO/Senior Superintendent Panel for the Year 2018-2019

G.O Ms.No. 26 Dated 21st January 2019

G.O Ms.No. 5 Dated 8th January 2019

G.O Rt.No. 12 Dated 2nd January 2019

G.O Rts.No. 589 Dated 12th July 2018

G.O Ms.No. 222 Dated 30th June 2018

Additional Treasury Officer Panel - 2017-18 (G.O No. 209 Dated 27th June 2018 of Finance (Treasuries and Accounts) Department

Details of TACTV Arasu e-Sevai Centres - Address and Landline Numbers

Additional Pension and Additional family pension instruction

ECS return in PAO's and Treasuries - Treasuries unclaimed amount - remit back into Government Account

Panel for the post of Superintendent / STO /ASTO for the year 2017-18

List of STO / ASTO / SUPDT Who are included in the panel of ATO / Sr. Supdt
for the Year-2017-18


T & A Dept - Additional Charge allowances to 'C' and 'D' group employees - accepting of the bills instruction issued - circular communicated

IFHRMS - Service Register Digitization - Instructions (Zip file)

Additional Director Panel 2017- 2018

CAO Panel 2017- 2018

Joint Director Panel 2017- 2018

Click Here for  All India Service Officer's 2016-2017 Account Slip Download

Digital Life Certificate and NHIS Application for Pensioners

Sale of Stamp Papers - Streamlined Procedure

CPS Return List

CPS Final Authorization issued Status Report

Function of District Treasuries/Sub Treasuries/Pension Pay Office – Maintenance of Registers  

Treasury Payments to Self Drawing Officers

Instructions to subordinates regarding Audit objection of AG

New Health Insurance Scheme 2016 - Approval of Additional Hospitals

Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate Services - Assistant Treasury Officer / Senior Superintendent Panel for the year 2016-17

G.O Ms. No. 114 Dated 15th November 2016 on grant/renewal of Passport

Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate services - Sub Treasury Officer / Superintendent panel for the year 2016-17

Pensioners - Mustering and Grievance Redressal regarding

Finance Dept. - G.O Ms No 241 dated 24th August 2016 on NHIS

Finance Dept. - G.O Ms No 202 dated 30th JUne 2016 on NHIS

Download CPS Account Statement for the year 2015-16

Download Payroll 10 - ATBPS New

Transfer application Circular

Class III Panel for the year 2015-2016 - call for letter

Finance Dept. - G.O Ms No 71 dated 2nd July 2015 on additional format to apply/renewal of Passport

Pension – Deduction of Income tax in the monthly pension (TDS) - Circular- English version

Pension – Deduction of Income tax in the monthly pension (TDS) - Format- English version

Pension – Deduction of Income tax in the monthly pension (TDS) - Circular- Tamil version

Pension – Deduction of Income tax in the monthly pension (TDS) - Format- Tamil version

GO for revised life certificate format for the year 2015

Web Payroll application Demo site

Contributory Pension Scheme - Index No. allotted to the Employees of Government and Aided Institutions

Letter No.63734/FS/T/PGC/2013, dated: 23.05.14 on Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS)

Click here for ECS status of Pensioners


Pay Slip to SDO

Download TN Scale and Designation

Pensioners' Home Page

Message from the Director of Vigilance and Anti Corruption

G.Os of Finance Department

Tamil Nadu State Treasury and Accounts Service-class III (A) Additional Treasury Officers panel for the year 2011-2012

 View DDO wise TAN Number Details 

G.O Ms No. 422 dated 25th November 2010 - Introduction of Salary and Non-Salary Bill Forms

Instructions to be followed by DDOs while furnishing PLI Annexure

Pension - Combined Application Form G.O. No. 211 dated 27th May 2009

CPS Final Authorization issued Status Report as on 14th June 2017

Click Here for  All India Service Officer's 2016-2017 Account Slip Download

CPS Return List

Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate Services - Assistant Treasury Officer / Senior Superintendent Panel for the year 2016-17

G.O Ms. No. 114 Dated 15th November 2016 on grant/renewal of Passport

Treasuries and Accounts Subordinate services - Sub Treasury Officer / Superintendent panel for the year 2016-17

Pensioners - Mustering and Grievance Redressal regarding

Download CPS Account Statement for the year 2015-16

Download Payroll 10 - ATBPS New

Transfer application Circular

Computer Hardware and Equipments procured during the year 2012- Warranty period completed - Extended warranty requested reg.

Letter No.185[S(E)]/Fin (PGC) /2016-1, DATED:01-04-2016.

Finance Dept. - G.O Ms No 59 dated 22nd February 2016 on CPS

Class III Panel for the year 2015-2016 - call for letter

Finance Dept. - G.O Ms No 71 dated 2nd July 2015 on additional format to apply/renewal of Passport

Tamil Nadu State Treasuries and Accounts Services – Class III Posts - Regular Panel for the year 2014 – 2015

Tamil Nadu State Treasuries and Accounts Services – Class IV Assistant Accounts Officers Panel for the year 2014 – 2015

GO for revised life certificate format for the year 2015

Web Payroll application Demo site

Contributory Pension Scheme - Index No. allotted to the Employees of Government and Aided Institutions

The certificate to be issued in lieu of ID card by the Pay Drawing Officer
(Click here for the relevant Government Order)