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Government Orders



3. m§Ñfç¡f¥glhj kid¥ÃçÎfis Kiw¥gL¤Jjš
bghUŸ murhiz v© & ehŸ
kid¥ÃçÎ ng%uh£Á, efuh£Á k‰W« khefuh£Áfëš m§Ñfç¡f¥glhj kid¥ ÃçÎfis Kiw¥gL¤JtJ F¿¤J Miz
e.ã. (k) F.t (eã1) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©.130 ehŸ : 03.06.1999
kid¥ÃçÎ-ng%uh£Á efuh£Á k‰W« khefuh£Áfëš m§Ñfç¡f¥glhj kid¥ ÃçÎfis Kiw¥gL¤Jtj‰F é¡f¥g£l Áy ãgªjidfis js®¤JtJ F¿¤J Miz tH§f¥gL»wJ. e.ã. (k) F.t (e.ã.1) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©. 79
ehŸ : 16.06.2000
kid¥ÃçÎ-ng%uh£Á efuh£Á k‰W« khefuh£Áfëš m§Ñfç¡f¥glhj kid¥ ÃçÎfis Kiw¥gL¤Jtj‰F VJthf
é¡f¥g£l ãgªjidfis js®¤Â - Miz tH§f¥gL»wJ.
e.ã. (k) F.t (e.ã.1) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©. 16 ehŸ : 01.02.2001
Town Panchayat Layout approval - Simplification of the procedure for approval of Layout proposal without delay - orders - issued. MA & WS (MAI) DEPT. G.O.(Ms.)No. 134 Dated:20.09.2002
Urban Development - Town and Country Planning Department Enhancement of centage charges for rendering advice on Layouts by Director of Town and Country Planning - Permission - accepted order :- Issued. Housing & Urban Development (UD4.2) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No. 138 Dated: 04.06.2004
Layout approval - Collection of centage charge for commercial plots. DTCP ROC No. 5807/2005/LA2 Dated : 17.04.2005
Regularisation of unauthorized layouts in private lands (outside Chennai Metropolitan Area) – Prescription of Conditions for
regularization and provision of basic infrastructure in unauthorized layouts –Orders Issued.
MA & WS (MAI) DEPT. G.O.(Ms.)No. 11 Dated:19.01.2006
m§Ñfç¡f¥glhj kid¥ÃçÎfis (br‹id bgUef® gF ڧfyhf) Kiw¥gL¤Jjš k‰W« m¥gFÂfS¡F FoÚ®, rhiy, bjUés¡F ,
rh¡fil ngh‹w mo¥gil trÂfŸ braJ bfhL¤jš MizfŸ btëæl¥gL»‹wd.
e.ã. (k) F.t (e.ã.1) Jiw murhiz(ãiy) v©. 59 ehŸ: 25.07.2006
m§Ñfç¡f¥glhj kid¥ Ãçéš mikªj Å£L kidfis tu‹Kiw¥gL¤Jtj‰fhd fhy¡bfL 31.12.2006-š KotilªjJ- tu‹Kiw¥ gL¤Jtj‰fhd é©z¥g§fŸ bgWtj‰fhd fhy¡bfLit 11.12.2007 tiu Ú£o¥ò braJ MizfŸ btëæl¥ gL»‹wd. e.ã. (k) F.t (e.ã.1) Jiw murhiz(ãiy) v©. 56 ehŸ:30.04.2007
Building Rules - Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Building Rules, 1972 - Prohibition of Construction of building and approval of sites for construction within 1000 metres of Air Force installations - Amendments - Orders - issued. MA & WS (MAI) DEPT. G.O.(Ms.)No. 55 Dated:15.09.2008
jäoeehL ef®¥òw ãy (c¢rtu«ò k‰W« Kiw¥gL¤Jjš) r£l«, 1978 – Ï¢r£l¤Â‹Ñoe ifaf¥gL¤j¥g£l ãy§fŸ v‹gij m¿ahkš
»ua« bg‰wt®fsJ ãy§fis tu‹Kiw¥gL¤Jjš Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.
tUthOE (e.ã.c.1) (1) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©.565


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Last  updated on Friday, May 30, 2008