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Government Orders


6. ng%uh£Áfë‹ gâfŸ
bghUŸ murhiz v© & ehŸ
Motor Vehicles – Tamil Nadu Departmental Motor Vehicles Disposal Rules, 1960 – Revision of norms prescribed for condemnation of Motor Vehicles of Departments of Government Orders – Issued. Home Dept., G.O.(Ms.)No. 960 Dated: 12.4.1979
6.2 Motor Vehicles Maintenance Organisation - Motor Vehicles Tamil Nadu Departmental Vehicles Control Rules, 1976 - Prescription of norms for replacement of batteries fitted in the motor vehicles of Government Departments - Amendments - to rules - Issued. Home (Transport -IV) Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 186 Dated: 24.01.1980
Motor Vehicles Maintenance Organisation - Motor Vehicles - Maintenance of Staff Cars - Periodical Servicing and repairs to vehicles once in two months or at every 1,500 Kms. run - Revised Orders - Issued. Transport Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 168 Dated: 12.2.1980
Motor Vehicles - Tamil Nadu Departmental Vehicles Control Rules, 1976 - Consumption of Petrol / Diesel by Vehicles - Standard of Performance - Amendment to Rule 12 (b) of Tamil Nadu Departmental Vehicles Control Rules - Issued. Home (Transport -IV) Dept. G.O.(Ms.)No. 2747 Dated: 20.11.1981
6.5 Motor Vehicles - Instructions for replacement of Motor Vehicles in Public Sector Undertakings / boards - Issued. Finance (BPE) Dept. G.O.(Ms.)No. 591 Dated: 16.8.1988.
6.6 Motor Vehicles - Tamil Nadu Departmental vehicles Control Rules, 1976 - Repairs to Government departmental Vehicles Enhancement of Ceiling towards expenditure on repairs and replacements - Orders - Issued. Home (Transport -IV) Dept. G.O.(Ms.)No. 1311 Dated: 13.7.1989
6.7 Motor Vehicles - Tyres used in vehicles of Government departments - Condemnation and replacement of tyres - Straight condemnation
of nylon tyres - Fixation of norms Kilometerage - Fixation of - Order - Issued.
Home (Transport -E) Dept. G.O.(Ms.)No. 1979 Dated: 30.08.1990
6.8 Motor Vehicles - Tamil Nadu Departmental Vehicles Control Rules ’76 - Departmental Vehicles - Repairs and replacement - Ceiling limit - Revised - Clarifications - Issued. Government of tamilnadu Home Dept. Fort St. George, Madras - 600 009. Lr. No. 21836/Tr.E/90-5, Dated 25.9.90
6.9 Motor Vehicles - Ceiling towards expenditure on repairs and replacements - Certain clarification - Regarding. Home (Transport - IV) Dept. Lr. No.151711/ Trans.-IV/92-1, Dated: 16.11.1992
6.10 MOTOR VEHICLE - Tamil Nadu Departmental Vehicle Control Rule - 76 - Consumption of Petrol / Diesel by vehicles - Standard of
Performance - Amendment to Rule 12 (b) of Tamil Nadu Departmental Vehicle Control Rules - Issued.
Home (Transport - IV) Department,
G.O. (Ms.) 119, Dated : 31.1.1995
6.11 Approval of Private Workshop for carrying out repairs to Government Motor Vehicles and Motor Cycles for the year 1995—96 — List of Workshop - Communicated. Motor Vehicle Maintenance Dept. Rc.No.B4/1290/95 Dated 12.4.95
Telephone - Ceiling on free calls prescribed to the residential telephones of Government Officers - Certain Clarifications - issued. Government of Tamil Nadu Public (Telephones.I), Dept. Circular No. 3833 B/96-1, Dated : 30-01-1996
MOTOR VEHICLES – Department vehicles – use of Staff car / Departmental Vehicles by the Officers for trips from the place of
residence to Office and back beyond 16 kms and upto 25 k.m. – orders – issued.
Home (Transport - IV) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) 896, Dated : 28.06.1996
Motor Vehicles – Tamil Nadu Departmental Vehicles Control Rules 76 - Petty and Minor repairs to Government departmental Vehicles– Amendment to Lr.No.146674/Tr.E/91-3, Home, dated 22-11-91 – Amendment – Issued. Government of Tamil Nadu Home (TRIV) Dept. madras – 9. letter no. 48448/tr.iv/94-9 Dated: 11-09-1996
cŸsh£Á mik¥òfŸ Áiy, ãidΤJh©, ãidÎ k©lg«, ãidÎ tisÎ ngh‹wit ãWÎjš F¿¤J Áy MizfŸ btëæl¥gL»wJ. e.ã. (k) F.t (e.ã. 5) Jiw murhiz(ãiy) v©. 221 ehŸ: 20.12.1998
és«gu« - muR és«gu§fŸ - ehëjoefëš btëæLifæš Ã‹g‰w nt©oa KiwfŸ k‰W« bryéd¤ij¢ Fiw¤jš - Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ. brOE k‰W« R‰Wyh (és«gu«)¤Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©. 108 ehŸ : 28.5.1999
  e.ã. (k) F.t (e.ã. 4) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©. 51 ehŸ: 12.4.2000
  e.ã. (k) F.t (nj®jš) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©. 91 ehŸ: 30.06.2000
Information Technology - Communication Infrastructure - Use of public right of way for laying optic fibre cables - Consolidated policy guidelines for grant of permission - Issued. Information Technology Dept., G.O.(Ms) No.7 Dated : 12-02-2001
efu FoÚ® £l§fŸ efu cŸsh£Á mik¥ò k‰W« FoÚ® thça« _y« brašgL¤j¥gL« FoÚ® £l§fŸ Ëg‰w nt©oa têKiwfŸ Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ. e.ã. (k) F.t (e.ã. 4) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©. 51 ehŸ: 09.03.2001
és«gu« - muR és«gu§fŸ btëæLtj‰F m§Ñfç¡f¥g£l ehëjoefŸ k‰W« gUt ÏjoefŸ - ehëjoefŸ k‰W« gUt ÏjoefS¡F és«gu¡ f£lz« ca®¤Â ã®za« brOEjš - Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ. brOE k‰W« R‰Wyh (és«gu«)¤ Jiw murhiz (o) v©. 33
ehŸ : 14.03.2001
Information Technology – Installation of Base Transreceiver Station Towers by Telecommunication Companies – Exemption
under Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Building Rules 1972 and Multistoried and Public Building Rules, 1973 – Orders – Issued.
MA & WS (MAI) DEPT. G.O.(Ms.) No. 177 Dated:17.12.2002
Rules - Tamil Nadu Urban Local Bodies Licensing of Hoardings and Levy and Collection of Advertisement Tax Rules, 2003 - Issued. MA & WS (Elec) DEPT. G.O.(Ms.) No. 47 Dated:26.6.2003
Information Technology – Communication Infrastructure - Use of Public Right of Way for laying optic fibre cables - Policy guidelines for grant of permission to take up Maintenance and Last mile connectivity work -Orders - Issued. Information Technology (B) Department, G.O.(Ms.) No. 29
Dated : 4.11.2003
Engineering Wing - Rural Development Department - Enhancement of powers for technical sanction and tender acceptance to Engineers - Orders issued. Rural Development (CSS.I) Department, G.O.(Ms).No.100
Dated: 1.7.2005
ef®¥òw cŸsh£Á mik¥ò gFÂfŸ k‰W« ng%uh£Á gFÂfŸ Å£L¡ FoÚ® Ïiz¥òfŸ tH§Fjš - MizfŸ btëæl¥gL»‹wd. e.ã. (k) F.t (e.ã. 4) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©. 97
ehŸ: 12.07.2007


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Last  updated on Friday, May 30, 2008