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Government Orders


8. gâaik¥ò
bghUŸ murhiz v© & ehŸ
Establishment – Public Health – Sanitary Inspector of Town Panchayats – Job Chart – Approved. R.D.& Local Admin.Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 9 Dated : 3.1.1975
8.2 Establishment - Corporation of Madras - Engineering Department - grant of advance increments to Assistant Engineers / Executive Engineers / Engineers with Post Graduate Degree in Engineering - orders - issued. R.D.& Local Admin.Dept. G.O. (Ms) No. 2411 Date: 13.11.1978
Establishment - Town Panchayats - Sanitary Inspectors of Town Panchayats - Constitution of separate service Tamil Nadu Sanitary
Inspectors of Town Panchayats - Rules published.
R.D.& Local Admin.Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No. 1420 Dated : 16.10.1982
Fundamental Rules & Advance increments - Replaced by lumpsum Grant - Orders - Issued P&A Reforms (R.F.II) Dept G.O. (Ms.) No. 843 Dated: 05.09.1983
8.5 Fundamental Rules - Scheme of Sanction of Advance increments - Revival - Orders - Issued. P&A Reforms (R.F.II) Dept G.O. (Ms) No. 1159 Dated: 21.11.1984.
8.6 Establishment-Provincialisation of certain categories of staff in Town Panchayts and Panchayat Townships-Orders-issued. Rural Development Dept. G.O. (Ms) No: 64 Dated : 05.02.1985
8.7 gâahs® FG - Cuh£Á x‹¿a§fŸ - Ïwªj Cêa®fë‹ thçRfS¡F fUiz mo¥gilæš braa¥g£l ãakd§fŸ - tu‹ Kiw brajš -
Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.
Cuf ts®¢Á¤ Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©. 54 ehŸ : 12.02.1988.
8.8 Employment Services Department Employment Services Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 29 Dated : 07.03.1988
8.9 Establishment-Provincialisation of certain categories of staff in Town Panchaayts. and Panchayat Townships-Orders-issued. Rural Development Dept. G.O. (Ms) No: 800 Dated :16.12.88
8.10 Rules-The Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats Establishment Rules 1988-orders issued. Rural Development Dept. G.O. (Ms) No: 205 Dated: 23.3.1989
8.11 Public Services – Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats Subordinates Service Rural Development Dept. G.O. (Ms) No. 270 Dated : 04.04.1990
8.12 Public Services-Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service-Town Panchayats Department-Inclusion in the Special Rules-Orders issued.Special Rules – Issued. Rural Development Dept. G.O. (Ms) No: 271 Dated: 04.04.1990
8.13 Public Services-Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats Department-Regional Director of Town Panchayats and Personal Assistant to the Director of Town Panchayats and District Town Panchayat officers-Adhoc Rules-Issued. Rural Development Dept. G.O. (Ms) No: 327 Dated : 17.04.1990
8.14 Public Service – Employment assistance to dependants of deceased Government servants on compassionates grounds regularisation of services within one year – instructions – Issued. L&E Dept. Letter (Ms) No. 282, Dated 9.10.91
8.15 Public Services – Employment assistance to the families of the deceased Government servants – procedure for recruitment –
Maintains of dependent Register – Fresh consolidated instruction – Issued.
L&E Department G.O.(Ms.)No. 314 Dated :13.11.1991
8.16 gâaik¥ò-tlM‰fhL m«ng¤fh® kht£l«- kht£l ng%uh£Á mYtyf§fëš cŸs gÂtiw vG¤j®fS¡F tç¤j©ly® gâ më¤jšbjhl®ghf. Cuf ts®¢Á¤ Jiw foj« v© 33564/Ï3/92-2. ehŸ : 27.07.1992
8.17 Pay – Personal pay – Grant of personal pay to certain categories of employees – orders – issued. Finance (Pay Cell) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No.664 Dated : 24.08.1992
8.18 Personnel – Town Panchayats and Panchayat Townships – Provincialisation of services of Head Clerk, Junior Assistants, Revenue Inspectors, Bill Collectors, Typists including Steno – typists – Amendment to the special Rules for the Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service – Issued. Rural Development Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No: 185 Dated: 09.09.1992
8.19 Public Services-Town Panchayat Department- Recruitment of transfer to the post of District Town Panchayat Officer from Special Grade Executive Officers-Service qualification-orders issued. Rural Development Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No: 185 Dated: 09.09.1992.
8.20 Establishment. – Personal Pay – 5% on basic pay – Orders issued in G.O. Ms.No.664 Finance (Pay cell) Department, dt.24-8-92 – Implementation in TAI corporation – Instructions issued – Regarding. The Tamil Nadu Agro Industries
Corporation Limited, Guindy, Madras – 600 032. Circular No.7508/P & A(5)/92 Date: 22.10.1992.
8.21 Establishment – Town Panchayat Fixation of norms for various posts in Town Panchayats and Townships – Revised norms – Orders issued. Rural Development Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No.92 Dated : 22.04.1993
8.22 Public Services – Tamil Nadu Town Panchayat Department – Directorate of Town Panchayats – Temporary post of Joint Director of Town
Panchayats – Adhoc Rules – Issued.
Rural Development Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No. 100 Dated : 07.05.1993
8.23 Fundamental Rules - Grant of Advance Increment - Acquisition of Higher
Qualification - Clarification issued - Further Instructions.
P&A Reforms (R.F.II) Dept. Letter No. 38512/FR.II/93-1, Dated: 24.06.1993
8.24 Pay-Personal Pay-Grant of Personal Pay to certain categories of employees-Orders-. Issued. Finance (Pay Cell) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No. 497 Dated: 15.09.1993.
8.25 Public Services Preparation of Panel For Appointment By Promotion/By Recruitment By Transfer - Detailed Instructions - Issued. P&A Reforms (R.F.II) Dept G.O. (Ms.) No. 368 Dated :18.10.1993
8.26 Public Services-Tamil Nadu Panchayat Development Service-Temporary post of District Town Panchayat Officer-change of service Notification-Amendment to adhoc rules-Issued. Rural Development Dept. G.O. (Ms) No: 213 Dated: 23.11.1993
8.27 Public Services-Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service- Appointment to posts of Junior Assistant/Junior Assistant-cum-Typist by recruitment by transfer from other services-Revised Qualifications-Issued. P&A Reforms (Per. B) Dept G.O. (Ms.) No: 43 Dated : 15.02.1994
8.28 Appointment of compassionate grounds – Revised preformed – prescribed. L & E Dept. Letter (Ms.) No. 31
Dated : 25.2.1994
8.29 Act- Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920) as amended by Tamil Nadu District Municipalities (Amendment) Act, 1994 (Tamil Nadu Act 25 of 1994), to exercise or perform any of the
power or duties of the Inspector. order Appointment of Director of Town Panchayats as Inspector issued.
MA & WS (MAI) Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 150 Dated : 31.5.1994
8.30 Pay – Personal Pay – Grant of Personal Pay to certain categories Fixation of Pay in the promotion category – clarification – issued by Government – Communicated. A.C.C. No.A9/2460/94 Dated : 10.06.94
8.31 Establishment – Town Panchayats Department – Redeployment of staff from the offices of the District Town Panchayat Officers to Directorate of Town Panchayats and up gradation of certain posts – Proposals approved – orders – Issue. MA & WS (TP.I) Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 306. Dated : 25.11.94
8.32 Town Panchayat - Extension of Provisions in the District Municipalities Act, 1920, and in the Tamil Nadu Panchayat Act, 1994 to Town
Panchayats - Notified.
MA & WS Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 75
Dated : 31.03.1995
8.33 gâaik¥ò- ng%uh£ÁfŸ Jiw-gâæil¡ fhy¤Âš fhyŠ br‹w ng%uh£Á gâahs®fë‹ thçRjhu®fS¡F fUiz mo¥gilæš ntiy tha¥ò më¤jš-Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ . e.ã. (k) F.t (ng%1) Jiw 392
murhiz (ãiy) v© 206
ehŸ : 02.11.1995
8.34 Delimitation of Wards / Divisions and reservation of seats for Scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes, and women in the Town Panchayats, Municipalities and Municipal Corporations – Delegation of powers to commissioner of Town Panchayats, Commissioner of Municipal Administration and Commissioners of Municipal Corporations s Notifications – Issued. MA & WS (M.Ele) Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 133 Dated : 6.6.1996.
8.35 Public Service-Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service- Town Panchayat Department-inclusion in the Special Rules-Orders-Issued MA & WS Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No: 25
Dated: 05.02.1997
8.36 Public Service-Town Panchayat and Panchayat Townships-Provincialisation of Services of Revenue Inspectors and Bill collectors working in Town Panchayats-Amendment to the Special Rules for
the Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service-Issued.
P&A Reforms (Per. B) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No: 96 Dated: 15.04.1997
8.37 Personnel-Town Panchayats and Panchayat Townships-Provincialisation of services of Head Clerk, Junior Assistant,s Revenue Inspectors,
Bill Collectors, Typists including Steno-Typists- Amendment to the Special Rules for the Tamil Nadu Ministrerial Service-Issued.
P&A Reforms Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No:96 Dated : 15.04.1997
8.38 gâaik¥ò - Cuf ts®¢Á¤Jiw - jäoeehL muR¥ gâahs® nj®thiza tu«ò¡F c£g£l gâæl§fëš, fUiz mo¥gilæš
j‰fhèfkhf¥ gâ mk®¤j¥gLgt®fis, Kiwahf¥ gâ mk®¤Jtš V‰gL« fhyjhkj« k‰W« KiwnfLfŸ - j鮥gj‰fhd têKiwfŸ
- MizfŸ btëæl¥gL»‹wd.
Cuf ts®¢Á¤ (Ï5) Jiw 399
murhiz (ãiy) v©. 191
ehŸ : 10.6.97
8.39 Extension of the term of Special Officers of Courtallam and Bhavanisagar Municipalities and Yercaud Town Panchayat - Intimated. MA & WS (Elec.I) Dept. Letter No. 19923/ Elec.I/97-3,
Dated 24.6.1997
8.40 gâaik¥ò ng%uh£ÁfŸ ã®thf« - ng%uh£Áfëš ã®zæ¡f¥g£LŸs msÎ nfhè‹go J¥òuÎ¥ gâahs® gâæl§fŸ njh‰Wé¤jš ng%uh£ÁfŸ Ïa¡FeU¡F mÂfhu« tH§f¥gL»wJ. e.ã. (k) F.t (ng%2) Jiw murhiz ãiy v©.199
ehŸ: 12.08.1997
8.41 1920-« M©L jäoeehL kht£l efuh£ÁfŸ r£l« (1920-« M©L jäoeehL r£l« 5) - k©ly Maths®fë‹ flikfisÍ« mÂfhu§fisÍ« ng%uh£Áfis¥ bghU¤jtiuæš ng%uh£Áfë‹
k©ly cjé Ïa¡Fe®fŸ ãiwnt‰w Mizæl¥gL»wJ
e.ã. (k) F.t (ng%1) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©.216
ehŸ : 22.8.1997
8.42 Town Panchayat - Extension of Provisions in the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994 to Town Panchayats - Deletion - orders issued. MA & WS (Elec.I) Dept.
G.O.(Ms.) No. 230
Dated : 25.09.199
8.43 ng%uh£ÁfŸ ã®thf« - ng%uh£Áfëš fhè¥gâæl§fis ãu¥òtj‰fhd tiuaiwfŸ - ã®za« braa FG mik¤jš - ef®òw
cŸsh£Á mik¥òfS¡F¡ TLjš bghW¥òfŸ, mÂfhu§fŸ tH§FtJ F¿¤j ca®ãiy¡FGé‹ gçªJiu MizfŸ - btëæl¥gL»‹wd.
e.ã. (k) F.t (ng%1) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©.5
ehŸ : 14.01.1998
8.44 bghJ¥ gâfŸ - gjéæš ÏU¡F« nghJ Ïa‰if vaÂL« muR Cêa®fë‹ thçR - kf‹ /ÂUkzkhfhj kfŸ, j¤J vL¤j kf‹ / j¤J
vL¤j kzkhfhj kfŸ, Mjut‰w éjit kfŸ / fztuhš ifél¥g£l kfŸ M»nahU¡F fUiz mo¥gilæš gâ ãakd« tH§Fjš
- mÂfg£r taij 30-èUªJ 35 Mf ca®¤Â MizfŸ - btëæl¥gL»wJ.
bjhêyhs® k‰W« ntiy tha¥ò¤Jiw, murhiz (ãiy) v©. 9 ehŸ : 19.1.1998
8.45 gâaik¥ò - ng%uh£ÁfŸ - ouh¡l®fŸ k‰W« Á¿a yhç X£Le® gâæl§fŸ njh‰Wé¤jš k‰W« mt‰iw ãu¥òjš - m¿ÎiufŸ -
e.ã. (k) F.t (ng%2) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©.23
ehŸ : 3.3.1998
8.46 Establishment-Provincialisation of the services of the Bill Collectors working in Town Panchayats and Panchayat Townships- Interchangeability of Bill Collectors, Grade I and Junior assistant-Orders issued. MA & WS (Elec.I) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No. 48 Dated: 30.03.1998
8.47 gâaik¥ò - ng%uh£ÁfŸ - bjUés¡Ffis guhkç¡f ä‹ gâahs® k‰W« cjéahs® gâæl§fŸ - òÂjhf njh‰Wé¤jš - ng%uh£ÁfŸ Ïa¡FeU¡F mÂfhu« tH§» - Miz - btëæl¥gL»wJ. e.ã. (k) F.t (ng%1) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©.72
ehŸ : 5.5.1998
8.48 gâaik¥ò ng%uh£ÁfŸ bghJ Rfhjhu¥ gâ ã®zæ¡f¥g£l msÎnfhè‹go J¥òuÎ gâahs® gâæl§fŸ V‰gL¤Jjš k‰W«
gâahs®fŸ ãakd« brajš Miz btëæl¥g£lJ. ÂU¤j« btëæl¥gL»wJ.
e.ã. (k) F.t (ng%2) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©.84 ehŸ : 21.05.1998
8.49 Personnel-Town Panchayats and Panchayat townships Interchangeability of Bill Collector, Grade I and Junior Assistant-Amendments to the Special Rules for the Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service-Issued. P&A Reforms Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No: 153 Dated : 22.06.1998
8.50 ef®¥òw cŸsh£Á mik¥òfëYŸs ãakd¡ FG¡fŸ (Appointment Committe) gâæl§fS¡F neçil ãakd Kiwæš eg®fis nj®ªbjL¡f têKiwfŸ (Guidelines) btëæl¥gL»wJ. e.ã. (k) F.t (e.g.1) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©.129 ehŸ : 20.7.1998
8.51 bghJ¥ gâfŸ-ng%uh£ÁfŸ Jiw-jäoeehL mik¢R¥ gâ-ng%uh£Áfëš Ïsãiy cjéahs®, tç¤j©ly®, k‰W« j£l¢r® M»a gâæl§fëš V‰gL« fhè¥ gâæl§fëš 20 rjÅj¤Â‰F« äfhj gâæl§fëš ng%uh£Áfëš gâòçÍ« jF thaªj gÂÎU
vG¤j®, mYtyf cjéahs® ngh‹w mid¤J Ñoeãiy¥ gâæl§fëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fis gâ khWjš _y« ãakd« brajš-Miz-btëæl¥gL»wJ.
e.ã. (k) F.t (ng%2) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v© 150 ehŸ : 19.08.1998
8.52 Tamil Nadu Revised Scale of Pay Rules, 1998— Sanction of stagnation increment- Orders- Issued. Finance (Pay Cell) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No. 483 Dated : 08.09.1998.
8.53 Tamil Nadu Revised Scale of Pay Rules, 1998— Bunching Cases—Date of increment— Revised orders—Issued. Finance (Pay Cell) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No. 484 Dated : 08.09.1998
8.54 One Man Commission Recommendations of the One Man Commission on allowances-Orders- Issued. Finance (Pay Cell) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No. 499 Dated : 15.09.1998.
8.55 PAY—Personal Pay—Grant of Personal Pay to certain categories of employees—Certain clarification—Issued. Finance (Pay Cell) Dept. Letter No. 73411/PC-II/98-1, Dated : 28.09.1998.
8.56 bghJ¥gâfŸ - gâæš ÏU¡F« nghJ Ïa‰if vaÂL« muR gâahs®fë‹ kf‹ /ÂUkzkhfhj kfŸ - fUiz mo¥gil
£l¤Âš gâ tH§f 30èUªJ 35 Mf taJ tu«Ãid ca®¤Â MizfŸ btëæl¥ g£lJ -ÂU¤j§fŸ btëæl¥gL»‹wd.
bjhêyhs® k‰W« ntiy tha¥ò¤Jiw muR foj« (ãiy) v©. 125 ehŸ : 12.10.98
8.57 gâaik¥ò efuh£ÁfëY«, ng%uh£ÁfëY« - FoÚ® £l guhkç¥ò¥ gâahs® gâæl§fŸ njh‰Wé¡f msÎnfhš (Norms) ã®za« -
Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.
e.ã. (k) F.t (e.g.3) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©.198
ehŸ : 26.10.1998
8.58 One Man Commission - Recommendations of the One Man commission -Grant of one Bonus increment to employees stagnating in a post beyond 30 years - Orders - Issued. Finance (Pay Cell) Dept.
G.O. (Ms.) NO. 562
Dated : 28.10.1998
8.59 bghJ¥ gâfŸ-ng%uh£ÁfŸ Jiw-jäoeehL mik¢R¥ gâ Ïsãiy cjéahs®, tç¤j©ly®ãiy 1, Ïsãiy cjéahs® k‰W« j£l¢r® k‰W« j£l¢r® gâæl§fëš V‰gL« fhè¥gâæl§fëš 20 rjé»j¤Â‰F äfhj gâæl§fëš ng%uh£Áfëš gâòçÍ« jFÂ
thOEªj Ñoeãiy¥ gâahs®fis gâ kh‰w« _y« ãakd« brajš-F¿¤J
e.ã. (k) F.t Jiw f.v©.37790/ng%2/98-2.
ehŸ : 22.3.99
8.60 bghJ¥ gâfŸ-ng%uh£ÁfŸ Jiw-jäoeehL mik¢R¥ gâ Ïsãiy cjéahs®, tç¤j©ly®Ïsãiy cjéahs® k‰W« j£l¢r® k‰W« j£l¢r® M»a gâæl§fëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fis gâ khWjš _y« ãakd« braa nj®ªj bga® g£oaš muÁ‹ tê nj®thiza¤Â‰F mD¥òjš - MizfŸ btëæl¥gL»‹wd. e.ã. (k) F.t Jiw f.v© 12467/ng%2/99-2 ehŸ : 22.03.1999
8.61 gâaik¥ò cŸsh£Á gâ Âd¡Tè gâahs®fis Kiwahd gâæl¤Âš ãakd« bratJ Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ. e.ã. (k) F.t (e.g.3) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©.125 ehŸ : 27.05.1999
8.62 Public Services-Posts included in Group IV Services-Appointment as Junior Assistants, Typists and Steno-Typists from reserve and Ranking lists arising from the examination held in 1993-94- Regularisation of services-orders-Issued. P & A Reforms (P) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No: 77 Dated: 26.04.1999
8.63 ng%uh£ÁfŸ Jiw-ng%uh£Áfëš Ïsãiy cjéahs®fS¡F tH§f¥gL« rYiffŸ tç¤j©ly® ãiy1, gâæl¤Âš gâòçnthU¡F« Ú£o¤J tH§f mDk¤J Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ. e.ã. (k) F.t (ng%1) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©: 211
ehŸ : 21.09.1999
8.64 Tamil Nadu Government Servants Conduct Rules 1973-Issue of No Objection Certificate to obtain or renewal of passports and for
Undertaking trip to foreign countries Consolidated instructions-Issued.
P & A Reforms (A) Dept. Letter No: 13676/A/98-9 Dated : 07.01.2000
8.65 Public Services - Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate Services - Rule of reservation - Rotation - Revised - Amendments to rule 22 and to Schedules III, III-A and IV of the General Rules- Issued. P & A Reforms (S) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No.105 Dated : 20.06.2000
8.66 Pay – Personal pay – grant of 5% personal pay to certain categories of employees – certain clarifications issued. Finance (PC.) Dept. Letter No.38877 / PC / 2000-1, Dted : 30.08.2000
8.67 Expenditure Policy-Economy in Expenditure- Ban on Creation of New Posts in Government Departments-Orders-Issued. Finance (C.M.P.C) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No: 463 Dated : 23.11.2001
8.68 Public Services-Filling up of vacant posts except certain categories of posts such as Teachers, Doctors and Police Constabulary- Completely banned-orders-Issued. P & A Reforms (P) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No: 212 Dated: 29.11.2001
8.69 Public Services-Filling up of vacant posts except certain categories of Posts such as Teachers, Doctors and Police constabulary - Completely Banned-clarifications-issued P & A Reforms (P) Dept. Letter No: 67770/P/2001-1 Dated: 19.12.2001
8.70 Public Services-Tamil Nadu Panchayat Development Service-Temporary post of District Town Panchayat Officer-Charge of nomenclature as Assistant Director of Town Panchayats- Amendments to Adhoc Rules-Issued. P & A Reforms (TP.II) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No. 74 Dated : 13.06.2002
8.71 Pension and other retirement benefits — Payment of VI Pay Commission arrears to those retired from 1-1-96 to 31-3-2004 and after 1-4-2004 Further clarification — issued Finance (Pay Cell) Dept. Letter No.22054/Pay Cell–1 Dated : 07.04.2005
8.72 Pension — Arrears due to the employees who retired between 1-1-96 and 31-3-98 - - Release of entire balance amount of 40% arrears of Gratuity and Encashment of leave salary — Revised orders — Issued. Finance (Pay Cell) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No.145 Dated : 13.04.2005
8.73 Specification of the date to enforce the provisions under the employment of manual scavengers and construction of dry latrines (prohibition) act in the whole of the state of Tamil Nadu Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare (ADW-8) G.O. (Ms.) No. 165
Dated : 7.11.2005
8.74 Public Services - Ban of filling up of vacant posts by direct recruitment except certain categories of posts such as Doctors, teachers and Police Constabulory Lifting of ban - orders issued. P & A Reforms (TP.II) Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 14 Dated: 07.02.2006
8.75 Public Services – Ban on filling up of vacant posts by direct recruitment under compassionate grounds – Lifting of Ban order – Issued. P & A Reforms (G) Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 16, Dated : 21.2.2006
8.76 Establishment — Urban Local Bodies – Regularisation of services of workers on consolidated pay and NMRs on daily wages in Municipalities and Corporations except Chennai) and Grade III Municipalities Order Issued. MA & WS (MC.III) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No. 21 Dated : 23.02.2006.
8.77 fUiz mo¥gilæš gâ ãakd« -é©z¥gjhu®fŸ, t£lh£Áaçl« rh‹¿jH nfhUš - xU§»izªj rh‹¿jH tH§Fjš -
Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.
bjhêyhs® k‰W« ntiy (¡Í1)
tha¥ò¤ Jiw muR foj (ãiy) v©. 54, ehŸ 23.05.2006
8.78 Appointment on Compassionate Grounds issue of Integrated Certificate by Tahsildars Amendment to revised proforma – Issued. L & E (Q1) Dept. Letter.(Ms.) No. 55, Dated : 24.05.2006
8.79 gâaik¥ò Áw¥ò Á‰ùuh£ÁfŸ ã®thf« - bjhF¥óÂa gâahs®fŸ fhyKiw V‰w CÂa« (Time Scale of pay) ã®za« braÂl é¡f¥g£lãW¤Â it¤jš Miz éy¡f¥gL»wJ. fhyKiw V‰w CÂa« ã®za« braÂl m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd. C.t.(k) Cuh£ÁfŸ (ÁCg) Jiw
murhiz (ãiy) v©.60 ehŸ : 23.06.2006
8.80 Public Services – Appointment on compassionate grounds – Lifting of ban on filing up of posts by temporary appointment on Compassionate grounds – Ordered – Guidelines – Issued. L & E (Q1) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No. 61 Dated : 19-07-2006
8.81 Public Services - Tamil Nadu and Subordinate Services - Typist and Steno Typist and Steno Typist Grade III in the Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service / Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service - Filling up of Vacancies temporarily. P & A Reforms (P) Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 147 Dated : 14.09.2006
8.82 mo¥gil éÂfŸ - murhš V‰gë¡f¥g£l jåah® kU¤Jt kidfëš mDk¡f¥g£lÁ»¢ir bgW« muR¥ gâahs®fŸ - 60 eh£fS¡F äif¥g£l fhy¤Â‰F kU¤Jt¢ rh‹¿‹ ngçš <£lh éL¥ò - kU¤Jt¡ FG gçªJiwæ‹¿ éL¥ò x¥gë¥ò tH§Fjš - Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ. gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf¢ Ó®ÂU¤j (mé-III) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©. 148
ehŸ : 14.09.2006
8.83 Public Services – Appointment on compassionate grounds lifting of ban on filling up of posts by temporary appointment on Compassionate grounds – Guidelines issued – Clarifications and instruction – issued. Lr. (Ms.) No. 126/ O-1/2006
Dated : 16.09.2006
8.84 Personnel - Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate Services - Relaxation of upper age limit by five years to those who are already in Government Service so as to enable them to write the competitive examinations conducted by Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission P&A Reforms (S) Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 152 Dated : 18.9.2006
8.85 Public Services – The Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service / The Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service – Appointment of Junior Assistant on Compassionate ground – Allocation of vacancies – orders – issued. P&A Reforms (P) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No. 154 Dated : 19.9.2006
8.86 Public Services - Temporary appointments made on contract basis during 2003 - conduct of Special Competitive examination by Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission - Order - Issued P&A Reforms (P) Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 155 Dated : 19.09.2006
8.87 Tamil Nadu State and subordinate Services Rules - Rules of reservation for Physically Handicapped - Rule 22(a) of General Rule - Amendment issued. P&A Reforms (S) Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 169 Dated : 26.09.2006
8.88 Public Services - Scheme of Compassionate ground appointment fixing of seniority of the legal heirs of the deceased Government Servants - Orders issued L & E (O2) Dept. G.O.(Ms.) No. 185 Dated : 04.10.2006
8.89 gâaik¥ò - ng%uh£ÁfŸ ã®thf¤Â‹ Ñoe cŸs ng%uh£Áfëš fhèahf cŸs Ïsãiy cjéahs® (Non Security) Ïsãiy cjéahs®
(Security) k‰W« j£l¢r® gâæl§fis ãu¥g jäoeehL muR¥ gâahs® nj®thiza« _y« gâahs®fŸ nj®Î brOEjš - gâæl kÂ¥Õ£o‰F gâahs® FGé‹ mDk (Approval of Staff Committee) bgw¥g£lJ - MizfŸ btëæl¥gL»wJ.
efuh£Á ã®thf« k‰W« FoÚ® tH§fš (ng%1) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©. 44 ehŸ : 6.2.2007
8.90 Public Services - Appointment on compassionate grounds - Recommendations of the Staff Committee -Orders issued. L & E(Q1) Dept. G.O (Ms.) No.42
Dated: 12.03.2007
8.91 Employment Exchanges - Filling up of Vacancies - Fixation of ratio for sponsoring candidates from the Employment Exchanges - Orders issued. L & E(N1) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No. 65 Dated : 30.03.2007
8.92 Tamil Nadu Government Employees' Special Provident Fund-cum-Gratuity Scheme - Extension to the employees of Urban Local
Bodies - Enhancement of Government contribution from Rs. 5,000/- to 10,000 - Orders - Issued.
MA & WS (ME 3(2)) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No. 111 Dated : 13.08.2007
8.93 gâaik¥ò - efuh£Á ã®thf« efuh£Áfëš gâòçÍ« mid¤J filãiy Cêa®fS¡F XaÎ bgW« taJ 60 Mf ã®zæ¤J Miz
e.ã. (k) F.t (e.g1) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©.202
ehŸ 16.10.2007.
8.94 New Health Insurance Scheme for employees of Government Departments, Local bodies, Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory Boards and State Government Universities – Selection of an Insurance company for Implementation – Implementation Procedure – Orders - Issued Finance (Salaries) Dept. G.O. (Ms.) No.174 Dated : 28.04.2008
8.95 gâaik¥ò - ng%uh£ÁfŸ ã®thf« - bgh¿æaš Ãçéš gâòçÍ« gâ¤bjhifæš TèbgW« gâahs®fŸ (Work Charged) - ng%uh£Áfëš bgh¿æaš Ãçéš V‰fdnt m§Ñfç¡f¥g£L
fhèahf cŸs gâ Maths® gâæl§fëš Kiwahf gâãakd« - é¤js®Î braJ MizfŸ btëæl¥gL»‹wd.
e.ã. (k) F.t (ng%1) Jiw murhiz (ãiy) v©.183
ehŸ : 19.09.2008


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Last  updated on Friday, May 30, 2008